Why is it that every new pedestrian crossing is designed to turn into a lake each time it rains, so that being a pedestrian means multiple soakings whilst you wait to cross as every driver ploughs through them?
Zero thought for pedestrians as always. How does this crap ever get signed off?
Duke St, Leith.
#leith #tramstonewhaven #crapinfra
Why is it that road builders can NEVER get drainage right at drop-kerb crossings? Every one on the new Trams to Newhaven tram route is a massive puddle after it rains, so pedestrians have the joy of getting soaked by vehicles whilst they wait for a green man, and then they have to walk through ankle-deep manky ponds at either side of the crossing.
Once again, it's a loud "screw you guys" from the developers to pedestrians.
#dropkerbcrossings #crapinfra #crapdesign #tramstonewhaven