i'm trying to find my partner a new podcast app but i guess there is no such thing on #crapple that you aren't required to pay for
i guess i'm spoiled on android using #freeSoftware that is also #libreSoftware #freeAsInBeer and also #freeAsInLibre
#floss #gratis #libre
#crapple #freesoftware #libresoftware #FreeAsInBeer #freeasinLibre #floss #gratis #libre
#Crapple verklagt einen #Obstverband der 111 Jahre älter ist, wegen Abbildung von einem #Apfel in schwarz-weiß. Es gibt wirklich keine Worte oder Emojis die ausdrücken könnten, wie sehr ich diesen Konzern geringschätze. 🤔 höchstens den Laden vom Suckerberg kann ich noch weniger leiden.
I was hoping for "You're holding it wrong".
Apple: Where 'Pro' doesn't really mean anything anymore. Apart from (even) more expensive.
Apple Fanboy Worried Apple is Becoming a Scam
Todays WTF, apple family management hell.
Apparently we set up two families concurrently one for each kid.
Now I'm dealing with "You can only change family once per year" and "You have to leave your family before you can join a new one" as well as not being able to leave without removing the kid, but the kid can't be removed because under 13.
How they come up with this shit is something for Ryan George to write a sketch about.
Ugh, you really hate to see crap like that. #crApple #proprietarization #WalledGardenOfNastiness #DontBiteTheFruit!
#crapple #proprietarization #walledgardenofnastiness #dontbitethefruit
Apple is losing it's mojo.
Like...how do you fail at the physical design of a credit card? 🤣
#crapple #formoverfunction #designfail
Apple Cracks Down on Apps That Fight iPhone Addiction - The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/27/technology/apple-screen-time-trackers.html #crapple
Switched To Linux (TomM): "Welcome Windows and Mac users. Welcome to Linux."
Recent news have been nothing short from alarming at least: Windows 10 deleting your files and Mac having unrepairable computers, aren't you ready for a change?
Always remember to try out different Linux distro's if one doesn't work well on your system.
==> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP62c5ZBlM4
#Linux #SwitchToLinux #deleteWindows #deleteApple #Freedom #Spydows #crApple
#linux #switchtolinux #deletewindows #deleteapple #freedom #spydows #crapple