My wife pointed out to me last night that I am not #superstitious in any other part of my life but the #craps table. Put me in a #casino and I am setting my dice to 2 and 3, tapping the table 2 times before I roll, and watching out for people that throw dice like a rapper
Intro: Graduate of #ArizonaStateUniversity #GoDevils I grew up in Denver, Colorado. I’m a fan of #FantasyFootball #ColoradoAvalanche #GoAvs #DenverBroncos #ColoradoRapids #ColoradoMammoth I love going to #LasVegas when I get the chance I’m a fan of #Craps and #Sportsbetting when I go. Currently living in #FortWorth #Texas and am always interested in learning more about the area!
#arizonastateuniversity #godevils #fantasyfootball #coloradoAvalanche #goavs #DenverBroncos #coloradorapids #coloradomammoth #lasvegas #craps #sportsbetting #fortworth #texas
Totally tooting my own Horn Bet, but if anyone enjoys the game of #Craps, I coded an #accessible version of it with #Python called Oh Craps! along with the 3 other casino mother games that can be played in #Terminal or your command line of choice. Couldn't find any accurate nor accessible casino games out there so I just built my own! I also created and maintain a compendium of Craps strategies for fellow #Dice nerds:
#dice #terminal #Python #accessible #craps
Qui veut tuer les mutuelles ?
#mutualisme #mutuellesanté #maee #craps