What’s better than getting your game featured in a magazine? How about getting it featured in three! #gherbertgroundhog ❤️ #zxspectrum #puttycad #puttycadpresents #psychicparrot #retrogamer #crash #crashmag #pixeladdict #retro #games #gaming #gamer #gamedev #pixelart #8bit This is a game that I and Jeff Murray ( @psychicparrot42 ) poured a lot of love into and it's really cool to see it getting a bit of recognition! We do have a couple of sequels planned if all goes well! ❤️ 👍
#8bit #pixelart #gamedev #gamer #gaming #games #retro #pixeladdict #crashmag #crash #retrogamer #psychicparrot #puttycadpresents #puttycad #zxspectrum #gherbertgroundhog