Alla scoperta di Industroyer: il malware creato per colpire le centrali elettriche.
Il malware #Industroyer, noto anche come #Crashoverride, era un #framework sviluppato da hacker russi, distribuito nel 2016 contro la rete elettrica dell'#Ucraina. L'attacco lasciò la città di #Kiev per un’ora senza energia elettrica.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#industroyer #crashoverride #framework #ucraina #kiev #redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #privacy #infosecurity
#9 came home recently bragging about winning a #hacking game in class by scoring 1.4mil in (fake) #crypto. I was like, "Oh, cool." Then he explained second place scored 400k and third only scored 16k... Out of like 30 kids!
This tiny #unicorn also found his own (trivial) URL hack for BlackBoard early in the pandemic, as well as a Minecraft bug that let him spam free snowballs. (He was terrified that if I found out about his MC bug I would file a bug report and get it patched. 🤣 I never got around to it. 🙊)
On the one hand I couldn't be more proud (and slightly terrified) of my little #CrashOverride.
On the other hand I'm like, "Bruh?! You gave up 400k to second place? Lock that down!"
Can anyone recommend a good #ctf for elementary aged kids?
#hacking #crypto #unicorn #crashoverride #ctf #hacktheplanet #infosec
From Triton to Stuxnet: Preparing for OT Incident Response - Lesley Carhart, with Dragos, gives Threatpost a behind-the-scenes look at how industrial companies... #industrialcontrolsystem #criticalinfrastructure #manufacturingsecurity #operationaltechnology #newsmakerinterviews #industrialmalware #incidentresponse #crashoverride #lesleycarhart #websecurity #coronavirus #industroyer #industrial #factories #podcasts #podcast
#podcast #podcasts #factories #industrial #industroyer #coronavirus #websecurity #lesleycarhart #crashoverride #incidentresponse #industrialmalware #newsmakerinterviews #operationaltechnology #manufacturingsecurity #criticalinfrastructure #industrialcontrolsystem
Dangerous #malware discovered that can take down electric power grids #Industroyer #CrashOverRide
#malware #industroyer #crashoverride