reading #CrashReports with @bikeloudpdx is f'n wild. Driver ran a stop sign (from the right of this pic) and hit a guy on a bike right in front of his car in broad daylight, who had the right-of-way. No citation. #ACAB #VisionZero #Portland #pdxBikes #DefundPolice #MotoNormativity
#crashreports #acab #visionzero #portland #pdxbikes #defundpolice #motonormativity
Analyzing these car-on-bike #crashReports with @bikeloudpdx is wild. Bike rider is sitting at a stop sign waiting to cross SE Stark on 2nd and "car [driver] turned into him" (I guess turning left from eastbound Stark, illegally wide). <- Officer did not record or clarify the geometry in any way. "It was indeed raining very hard and visibility was poor." FFS man we need to fix the infra not just expect people on bikes to get hit with cars in the rain. #VisionZero #ACAB #CarSupremacy #pdxBikes
#crashreports #visionzero #acab #carsupremacy #pdxbikes
Understanding Crash Reports on iPhone OS
#Debugging #Programming #CrashReports #iOS #WWDC
#WWDC #iOS #crashreports #programming #debugging