'head and shoulders' shot of a Kori Bustard standing amid wildflowers in Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania Africa. See more here: https://joan-carroll.pixels.com/featured/kori-bustard-tanzania-africa-joan-carroll.html
#koribustard #bird #birdphotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #ngorongoro #crater #tanzania #africa #unesco #worldheritage #Travel #travelphotography #AYearForArt #BuyIntoArt #artDistrict #giftideas @joancarroll #FallForArt
#koribustard #bird #birdphotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #Ngorongoro #crater #tanzania #africa #unesco #worldheritage #travel #travelphotography #ayearforart #BuyIntoArt #artdistrict #giftideas #FallForArt
#blog #blogger #review #MovieReview #crater #scifi #drama #film #cinema #movies #mastomovies #cinemastodon #filmastodon
#blog #blogger #review #moviereview #crater #SciFi #drama #film #cinema #movies #mastomovies #cinemastodon #filmastodon
@NASA discovers interesting new #crater on #moon’s surface
India's Pragyan rover has been safely re-routed after coming face-to-face with a four-meter crater on the Moon's surface.
#RoverPragyan #Crater #MoonWalk #NewPath
#roverpragyan #crater #moonwalk #newpath
Der Mond hat also dank der "Landung" von Luna 25 einen neuen Krater. Ich schlage vor, ihn nach der griechischen Mondgöttin Selene zu benennen: Selensky Krater (кратер Зеленского) oder wie das dann richtig heißen muss.
So the moon has a new crater thanks to the "landing" of #Luna25. I suggest naming it after the Greek moon goddess Selene: #Selensky #Crater (кратер Зеленского) or whatever the proper name would be.
mittergerd - https://www.spektrum.de/news/die-russische-sonde-luna-25-schlaegt-einen-neuen-krater-auf-dem-mond/2171745
Lustig. Aber wer räumt später den Mist weg, den die Menschheit wirklich überall hinterlässt.
Crater (Кратер), 2023
Видишь "дисней", значит для детей.
И тут всё то же.
Десятилетние подростки на Луне, страдающие "под гнётом капиталистов", совершенно без проблем обходят все охранные системы далёкого будущего, и угоняют местный луноход. Зачем? "А чо, нельзя, что ли?!".
Половину сценария писала Грета Как-её-там. Дебильную половину, "борьбы с этими взрослыми". Впрочем, умного ничего даже не предполагалось. Целевая аудитория в возрасте 10-11 лет не терпит умников.
Конечно же, они всех побездили. Или победнули. Как-то так.
IMDb: 5.30 похоже на правду. Балл дали за качественные декорации, и за компьютерную графику.
Мальчикам зайдёт. Пофапают хотя бы. Взрослым скучно. Скучные образы, пустые персонажи.
Рекомендации? Я бы не стал. Но я не мальчик десяти лет.
#ru #lang_ru #crater #обзор #scifi #rf #rus #кратер
Even the king of the jungle enjoys a romp in the wildflowers, in Tanzania Africa. See more here: https://fineartamerica.com/featured/lion-in-the-wildflowers-tanzania-africa-joan-carroll.html?newartwork=true #lion #wildflowers #yellow #ngorongoro #crater #tanzania #africa #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #animals #Travel #travelphotography #AYearForArt #BuyIntoArt #artDistrict #giftideas @joancarroll
#lion #wildflowers #yellow #Ngorongoro #crater #tanzania #africa #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #animals #travel #travelphotography #ayearforart #BuyIntoArt #artdistrict #giftideas
New view angle on the #crater 🤩
#volcano #eruption #volcaniceruption #reykjanes #iceland #Fagradalsfyall #Keilir #Fagradalsfjall #LitliHrutur #lava
#crater #volcano #eruption #volcaniceruption #Reykjanes #Iceland #fagradalsfyall #keilir #Fagradalsfjall #litlihrutur #lava
#stickney #crater #astronomy #picture #apod #phobos
Disney+ Craters Crater After Seven Weeks on the Service #2023_07_05 #vulture #bethy_squires #crater #disney #death_and_taxes #tv #movies #streaming
#2023_07_05 #vulture #bethy_squires #crater #disney #death_and_taxes #tv #movies #streaming
Via Jeremy Kaplowitz @jeremysmiles
when movies get deleted for tax reasons, they should legally become public domain. people should be allowed to upload it anywhere they want. that's the tradeoff you make if you wanna delete your own movie released this year for a few extra bucks, and i think it's fair
Jul 4
CRATER, starring #MckennaGrace & #KidCudi , has been removed from Disney+ due to cost-cutting reasons.
The film just released on Disney+ on May 12.
#movies #crater #mckennagrace #kidcudi
Great lighting on the Zebra at Ngorogoro Crater Tanzania Africa. See more here: https://fineartamerica.com/featured/zebra-at-ngorogoro-crater-tanzania-africa-joan-carroll.html #zebra #flowers #tanzania #africa #flowers #crater #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #TheArtDistrict #SpringIntoArt #Travel #travelphotography #giftideas @joancarroll
#zebra #flowers #tanzania #africa #crater #BuyIntoArt #ayearforart #theartdistrict #springintoart #travel #travelphotography #giftideas
Reprocessed an image of the #Lunar #Crater Copernicus from 2020-04-04 19:20:37 UT
Best 60 frames from a 1253 frame .ser processed entirely in #Linux - #PlanetarySystemStacker #Darktable
Copernicus is 93km in diameter - more info at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copernicus_(lunar_crater)
#lunar #crater #linux #planetarysystemstacker #darktable
Moon over Risley
#warrington #moon
#nikon #z6ii #nikkor #400f45S
#moonphotography #lunar #sky #crater #craters #space #astronomy #astrophotography #nightsky #nightskyphotography #nightskies #manchesterphotography #manchesterphotographer #photographer #moon #risley
#warrington #moon #nikon #z6ii #nikkor #400f45s #moonphotography #lunar #sky #crater #craters #Space #astronomy #astrophotography #nightsky #nightskyphotography #nightskies #manchesterphotography #manchesterphotographer #photographer #risley
The 'Domaine du Météore' ☄️ #winery 🍷 lies in a round depression about 220 metres in diameter and 30 metres deep. The #crater was once formed by the impact 💥 of an iron-nickel #meteorite ☄️ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/02/230222115945.htm
I hit rock-bottom so hard it left a #crater. Searching the #strength to put myself back together, I drowned, got crushed and went through fire. Now I stand, reduced to my essence, an #opal|esque, #lissome reflection of light giving a glimpse.
#crater #strength #opal #lissome #vssnature #whistpr #brknshards #vss365 #writingcommunity
Is deze aardse exoplaneet bedekt met vulkanen?
Een onlangs gevonden buitenaardse wereld ter grootte van de Aarde kan bezaaid zijn met actieve vulkanen, waarvan de emissies een atmosfeer kunnen ondersteunen. Dit meldt een nieuw onderzoek.
#atmosfeer #beker #crater #exoplaneet #spitzer #TESS #VulkanischePlaneet
#vulkanischeplaneet #tess #spitzer #exoplaneet #crater #beker #atmosfeer