Thebes is a town in central Greece which has been continuously inhabited for five millennia. #History #AgesilausII #CratesofThebes #Epaminondas
#epaminondas #cratesofthebes #agesilausii #History
Hipparchia of Maroneia (l. #History #CratesofThebes #Cynicism #DiogenesofSinope
#diogenesofsinope #cynicism #cratesofthebes #History
Crates of Thebes (l. c. 360-280 BCE) was one of the most important Cynic philosophers of ancient Greece. He was born to a wealthy family in Thebes but gave away his inheritance after realizing the futility of material possessions and the shallow values espoused by society. #CratesofThebes #GreekPhilosophy #ThebesGreece #History
#History #thebesgreece #greekphilosophy #cratesofthebes