As everyone knows, one can never have enough #RAM - it's a wisdom as old as the very first electronic calculators.
So I got myself a 2MB #neoRAM #cratridge for the #Commodore64 - which is basically a modern, larger (RAM size) and battery backed version of the original geoRAM cartridge.
My main intention is to use it with #GEOS and the #MegaPatch3, but it's also possible to use it as a battgery backed RAM drive from BASIC. Also, some games have been converted to run off a neoRAM so I'll have look into that as well.
One remarkable thing about the geoRAM / neoRAM expansions is the way you read and write your data to them. It's rather easy and I think it's a pity that geoRAM came too late (in 1989, I think) to make a change.
However: feels great to have a #C64 boasting 2megs of RAM ... 😎
#ram #neoram #cratridge #commodore64 #geos #megapatch3 #c64