Sunset at #CrawickMultiverse in Upper Nithsdale, Southern #Scotland, just 6 hours until sunrise on the #SummerSolstice.
#summersolstice #scotland #crawickmultiverse
Crawick Multiverse in Upper Nithsdale
#scotland #sunset #crawickmultiverse
Like the sheeple that I am, I have flocked here in the mass #twittermigration
So... HELLO! I'm Jenni. I'm a #digital #projectmanager #remoteworking in #techforgood
I live in the #rural #scottishborders with my #romanianrescue dog, Laika
It's great to be here and I can't wait to get stuck in! 🧡
Photo is of Laika and I at #CrawickMultiverse in #Sanquhar, #DumfriesandGalloway
#DumfriesAndGalloway #Sanquhar #crawickmultiverse #romanianrescue #ScottishBorders #rural #techforgood #remoteworking #projectmanager #digital #twittermigration