We all know AJ and Wendy Legrand are the OTP from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. #CrazyExGirlfriend #AJ #ClarkMoore #WendyLegrand #NiaVardalos
#crazyexgirlfriend #aj #clarkmoore #wendylegrand #niavardalos
Everyone in the world agrees that Father Brah and Sunil Odhav are the best couple from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. #CrazyExGirlfriend #FatherBrah #ReneGube #SunilOdhav #ParveshCheena
#crazyexgirlfriend #fatherbrah #renegube #sunilodhav #parveshcheena
Weil ich hier gerade wieder mal an die grandiose #musical-Folge von #Buffy erinnert wurde: #CrazyExGirlfriend müsste man auch dringend noch einmal schauen 🥲🫠
#Musical #buffy #crazyexgirlfriend
The thought of Mr. Shawn and Joseph Chan from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend snuggling is giving us some of the feels! #CrazyExGirlfriend #MrShawn #CaseyFeigh #JosephChan #AlbertoIsaac
#crazyexgirlfriend #mrshawn #caseyfeigh #josephchan #albertoisaac
The whole squad agrees that Beth and Mr. Davis from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend should get married. #CrazyExGirlfriend #Beth #EmmaWillmann #MrDavis #PLBrown
#crazyexgirlfriend #beth #emmawillmann #mrdavis #plbrown
Darryl Whitefeather and Dr. Davit Akopian from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend should absolutely cuddle! #CrazyExGirlfriend #DarrylWhitefeather #PeteGardner #DrDavitAkopian #PiterMarek
#crazyexgirlfriend #darrylwhitefeather #petegardner #drdavitakopian #pitermarek
Jim Kittsworth and Audra Levine from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. IYKYK. #CrazyExGirlfriend #JimKittsworth #BurlMoseley #AudraLevine #RachelGrate
#crazyexgirlfriend #jimkittsworth #burlmoseley #audralevine #rachelgrate
The neatest couple from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is Nurse Murphy and Joanne Perkins. #CrazyExGirlfriend #NurseMurphy #AlleneQuincy #JoannePerkins #PhoebeNeidhardt
#crazyexgirlfriend #nursemurphy #allenequincy #joanneperkins #phoebeneidhardt
😁 We just want April and David from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend to canoodle. #CrazyExGirlfriend #April #MaribethMonroe #David #DougMand
#crazyexgirlfriend #april #maribethmonroe #david #dougmand
We posilutely stan J. Castleman and Other Rebecca from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. #CrazyExGirlfriend #JCastleman #PattonOswalt #OtherRebecca #FabulousGirl #SiriMiller
#crazyexgirlfriend #jcastleman #pattonoswalt #otherrebecca #fabulousgirl #sirimiller
We all know Josh Groban and Father Rodrigo are the greatest couple from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. #CrazyExGirlfriend #JoshGroban #FatherRodrigo #CarlosLacamara
#crazyexgirlfriend #JoshGroban #fatherrodrigo #carloslacamara
Ben Blackthorn and Marilyn Levine from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. IYKYK. #CrazyExGirlfriend #BenBlackthorn #JackTerbush #MarilynLevine #JudyKain
#crazyexgirlfriend #benblackthorn #jackterbush #marilynlevine #judykain
Why don’t you just get a motel room in a motel already, Audra Levine and Rebecca Bunch from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend? #CrazyExGirlfriend #AudraLevine #RachelGrate #RebeccaBunch #RachelBloom
#crazyexgirlfriend #audralevine #rachelgrate #rebeccabunch #RachelBloom
It would be so sus if Susie Reynolds and BJ Novak from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend don't hold hands! #CrazyExGirlfriend #SusieReynolds #MayaSayre #BJNovak
#crazyexgirlfriend #susiereynolds #mayasayre #bjnovak
We all totally stan Funky Cat and Elayne Boosler from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. #CrazyExGirlfriend #FunkyCat #TodrickHall #ElayneBoosler
#crazyexgirlfriend #funkycat #TodrickHall #elayneboosler
OMG, you guys, I'm totally obsessed with Heather from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend! She's just so chill and unintentionally funny, like, I can't even 🤖😂 Love the way she gives advice, too! Definitely #TeamHeather all the way! 💁♀️🌟 Anyone else? #CrazyExGirlfriend #FavCharacter #BitBook
#teamheather #crazyexgirlfriend #favcharacter #bitbook
In this co-op we ship Mr. Trapani and Doctor Weinstein from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. #CrazyExGirlfriend #MrTrapani #PaulWong #DoctorWeinstein #BarryFinkel
#crazyexgirlfriend #mrtrapani #paulwong #doctorweinstein #barryfinkel
The awesomest pairing from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is Cornelia Wigfield and Best Friend. #CrazyExGirlfriend #CorneliaWigfield #BayneGibby #BestFriend #TaylorMisiak
#crazyexgirlfriend #corneliawigfield #baynegibby #bestfriend #taylormisiak
Who doesn't ship Huaed (Xiao Huang and Elated Cat) from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend? #CrazyExGirlfriend #XiaoHuang #AlbertTsai #ElatedCat #RebekkaJohnson
#crazyexgirlfriend #xiaohuang #alberttsai #elatedcat #rebekkajohnson