#CrazyFoodTruck was a fun read, but definitely feels rushed to get to the ending, would have loved if it's at least twice the length and sort out more on the back stories and relationships #manga
This is a review I wrote for my blog for the third volume of the Crazy Food Truck manga:
Inspired by @gnitro to post up some of my favorites of the year.
Today I'll post up my list of favorite #manga released in English that I read in 2022.
Goodbye, Eri
The Comiq
Fist of the North Star (new Viz releases in 2022)
Chainsaw Man (Part 2)
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes (Final Arc)
Crazy Food Truck
Earthchild (First half of the series)
Tags: #Opinion #BestOf2022 #CrazyFoodTruck #FistOfTheNorthStar #ChainsawMan #Earthchild #ShonenJump
#manga #Opinion #bestof2022 #crazyfoodtruck #fistofthenorthstar #chainsawman #earthchild #shonenjump