trinux :verified: · @trinux
56 followers · 247 posts · Server

Estoy viendo el primer capitulo de Me recuerda mucho al estilo . Está bien. Pero a mi ya me queda tarde, jeje. Me quedo con el buen recuerdo de Buffy y dejo a Crazyhead para los que le gusten en esta generación.

#crazyhead #buffy

Last updated 2 years ago

🔊 on 's

🎵 Baby Turpentine (Radio 1 Session, 21 May 1987)

#nowplaying #bbc6music #GideonCoe #crazyhead

Last updated 2 years ago

david michael griffiths · @davidmichael70
208 followers · 1187 posts · Server

Crazyhead - What Gives You The Idea That You're So Amazing Baby? (1987)

A little side step from goth to the Midlands phenomena that was Grebo...

This song has the swagger Oasis could only dream about, it had urgency and was delinquent. Perfect pop for the 17-year-old me. They never had another moment like this. They released an album in 1989 with a re-recorded version of this which was for some reason diluted down and sounded dull and bored. Shame.

#crazyhead #grebo #leicester #Midlands

Last updated 2 years ago

Sharon Gascoigne · @sharongascoigne
882 followers · 1473 posts · Server

Back to 1988 and my grebo days for

I bleached and henna'd my hair orange out of adoration for the wonderful Anderson from

#tonightscookingtunes #crazyhead

Last updated 2 years ago

Just because I don't think I've talked about it much, here's some of my favorite TV shows:

(movie too!) (and most of the Schurniverse) (tng, voyager, lower decks, trying to watch others) (it's bad, idc)

Feel free to suggest others you think I'd dig!

#wwdits #odaat #OrphanBlack #WynonnaEarp #thegoodplace #yellowjackets #xfiles #shera #AbbottElementary #ablackladysketchshow #dragrace #battlestargalactica #startrek #gbbo #bigdreamssmallspaces #crazyhead #MotherlandFortSalem

Last updated 2 years ago

Just because I don't think I've talked about it much, here's some of my favorite TV shows:

(movie too!) (and most of the Schurniverse) (tng, voyager, lower decks, trying to watch others) (it's bad, idc)

Feel free to suggest others you think I'd dig!

#Fleabag #wwdits #odaat #OrphanBlack #WynonnaEarp #thegoodplace #yellowjackets #xfiles #shera #AbbottElementary #ablackladysketchshow #dragrace #battlestargalactica #startrek #gbbo #bigdreamssmallspaces #crazyhead #MotherlandFortSalem

Last updated 2 years ago