Formato da CrCoNi il materiale più duro della Terra. Creato il materiale più tenace della Terra (ma per usarlo dovremo aspettare un bel po'). Il materiale più tenace del mondo è una lega metallica, di recente creata da scienziati, che migliora le proprie caratteristiche al freddo, CrCoNi, una lega metallica supertenace.
#adamantio #aerei #cobalto #CrCoNi #cromio #legheadaltaentropia #leghemetalliche #materiali #metalli #metallurgia #nichel #razzi #tenacità
#adamantio #aerei #cobalto #crconi #cromio #legheadaltaentropia #leghemetalliche #materiali #metalli #metallurgia #nichel #razzi #tenacita
#alloy #CrCoNi #strength #toughness
RT @skdh
Say Hello to the Toughest Material on Earth: A new study reveals the profound properties of a simple metal alloy
#alloy #crconi #strength #toughness
Scientists have measured the highest #toughness ever recorded, of any #material, while investigating a #metallic #alloy made of #chromium, #cobalt, and #nickel (#CrCoNi). Not only is the metal extremely ductile – which, in materials science, means highly malleable – and impressively strong.
#Nanotechnology #EarthScience #sflorg
#toughness #material #metallic #alloy #chromium #cobalt #nickel #crconi #nanotechnology #earthscience #sflorg
Scientists have measured the highest #toughness ever recorded, of any #material, while investigating a #metallic #alloy made of #chromium, #cobalt, and #nickel (#CrCoNi). Not only is the metal extremely ductile – which, in materials science, means highly malleable – and impressively strong.
#Nanotechnology #EarthScience #sflorg
#toughness #material #metallic #alloy #chromium #cobalt #nickel #crconi #nanotechnology #earthscience #sflorg