Here's a story from my childhood I wrote a a Twitter thread in light of events at #crcsynod but might also be interesting to people in other denominations who find themselves grieving the outcomes of other meetings.
For two summers when I was a teen or tween my family took a "vacation from church".
That meant that every Sunday for a couple months we'd go to a different church. It wasn't the full range of what was available in our rural community. But it was a bunch of random churches. 1/x
Here's a story from my childhood in light of events at #crcsynod but might also be interesting to people in other denominations who find themselves grieving the outcomes of other meetings.
For two summers when I was a teen or tween my family took a "vacation from church".
That meant that every Sunday for a couple months we'd go to a different church. It wasn't the full range of what was available in our rural community. But it was a bunch of random churches. 1/x
#churchpolitics #sbc23 #pcaga #crcsynod