#crDroid ist sehr gelungen.
Update auf Android 13 ohne weiteres in wenigen Minuten.
Xiaomi Courbet
@nerdeiro I am still stuck with LineageOS, installed #crDroid to my wife's phone recently, and she is loving it. I have actually written a blogpost about it.
Spent the evening last night installing a new #android ROM on my phone. It's a pretty nice one called #crDroid. It has one of my favourite features, a battery bar, that shows a thin line on the top of the screen with the battery level, something my previous ROM, #LineageOS didn't have.
Anyone with experience of #arrowos or #crdroid on the #poco #f4 (not GT)? How do you find the rom? stability? features? battery life? Any other #rom suggestions? I would like this to be daily driver stable so #monthly updates if at all possible. #xda
#ArrowOS #crdroid #POCO #f4 #rom #monthly #xda
*Current tech stack* (reposted)
Laptop (Matebook D 14, 2019) #linux (Sparkylinux, follows #debian testing)
- #qtile window manager
- kitty terminal emulator
- #CliFM and #ranger file managers
- #firefox
- #qownnotes #pkm
- #neovim
Phone (OnePlus 6T, 2018) running #CrDroid 9 beta (#Android 13)
- Lightning Launcher
- Firefox (Fennec)
- Fairmail
- #SubwayTooter
- #OSMand+
- #AntennaPod
- #markor
- #fooView
- #Calengoo
- #syncthing
- and way too much else
#linux #debian #qtile #CliFM #ranger #firefox #qownnotes #pkm #neovim #crdroid #android #subwaytooter #osmand #antennapod #markor #fooview #CalenGoo #syncthing
Hey Masto, un avis sur l'OS #crdroid ?
(fork de #lineageOs)
Quelqune a déjà testé?
Repouet apprécié :blobaww:
#help #question #avis
#avis #question #help #lineageos #crdroid
Sondaggio per chi ha un #android #miatoll anche per chi non c'è la dai... #crdroid #nusantara #forklineageos #a12 #android12 #modding #xda
#xda #modding #android12 #A12 #forklineageos #Nusantara #crdroid #miatoll #android
Гхм... вопрос знатокам с #crdroid. Эта "быстрое меню" - системное или нет? Спокойно прячется, хотя и не везде адекватно работает. Если выключить жесты и поставить кнопки то все-равно отображаются приложения.
Проявилось само собой, вроде и удалял приложения которые ставил в это время, а все равно остаётся :blobcatdunno:
@rf @ua
Yesterday, I've upgraded to #android12 and I love it! Using #crdroid and it works even better than the android 11 from before!
Stavo provando i #nextdns che non ho mai usato, usavo sempre #adawey e sono rimasto al quanto stranito da queste richieste del mio android che ha l'altro è praticamente senza #google solo #microg per la banca, ed uso #crdroid una derivata di #lineageos ... Che diavolo di ricerche sono e perché next non le blocca? Ho messo molti filtri 🤷🏻♂️ #ungoogled
#ungoogled #lineageos #crdroid #microg #google #adawey #NextDNS
Mon smartphone actuel, un iPhone SE d'occasion acheté en 2018 montre de gros signes de fatigue. Batterie qui se draine très vite. Je suis assez réticent a sortir plus de 500 balles pour un truc qui me tiendra quelques années.
J'ai donc décidé de ressortir du tiroir, un #nexus5 d'occasion sur lequel j'ai installé #crdroid avec Android 11.
Siete la mia ultima speranza 🤣🤣 ho chiesto ovunque ma nessuno mi risponde. Ho problemi con webview #android stock della mia ROM #crdroid a 11 vanilla. Volevo sostituirlo con #bromite qualcuno mi spiega come si fa? Ho già il root. @android #mastoaiuto
#mastoaiuto #bromite #crdroid #android
@finlaydag33k Yeah, I was thinking the same thing year ago. Started with /e/ on my Xiaomi Mi A1, but finally settled on #crdroid. Now I got used Pixel 4a and flashed #grapheneos . Still keep Xiaomi as backup phone.
I'm thinking about doing the same in near future. But I'm not sure what ROM should I use. Since I'm noob at using custom ROMs I consider trying @e_mydata , #lineageos, or #crdroid.
J'ai installé #lineageos #android 9 non officielle pour #xaomi #redmi note 7. Lineage n'a jamais officialisé cette version, qui date de janvier et présente QQ rares bugs mineurs et a retiré la version Pro. #crdroid - basé sur #lineage - propose une vers. officielle basé sur #aosp 10 et développée par le même type, #letsmakeacake (MAJ mensuelle). J'ai du mal à suivre.
#lineageos #android #xaomi #redmi #crdroid #lineage #aosp #letsmakeacake