Got a #Creality Sprite direct drive extruder for my #Ender 3 v2. Fantastic if costly upgrade, compared to the base price of the printer. But! There's a little cable you have to plug in and it IS NOT in the instructions. There's an enigmatic little sticker on the cable that points you in the right direction so maybe you can avoid my hours of hapless troubleshooting. #3Dprinting
Printed damping feet for my #creality Ender 3 v2 and I think this is the smoothest surface I ever printed 🤯
Using blue XPETG from
My local 3D printing store has an #Creality #Ender3 V2 Neo hotened combo on sale 🔥: Hotend, enclosure, cables, capricorn tube, cartridge and terhmistorz but best of all a CR Touch for less than a BL touch.
Guess I am getting a new Capricorn tube and CR Touch🙆♂️ and a 0.4mm nozzle
Das meine ich:
Das ist übrigens totaler Mist. Bei der Bewegung auf der Bed-Achse wird die Stromversorgung des Motors hin und her bewegt (und die Kabel sind dünn in den Stecker gekrimpt) und zudem berührt die Stromversorgung des Heizbetts den heißen Motor.
Ich habe schon einen Mod gefunden für eine Kabelführung an der Rückseite, um es vertikal auszurichten und an der Rückseite ein Abknicken zu verhindern.
Das muss ich wohl drucken. So geht das nicht.
Der Kühler für den Extruder ist wirklich sehr nervig. Also Einhausen muss den trotzdem noch, auch wenn der Drucker nicht mehr neben meinem Schreibtisch steht. 👂
Mit Pixel Buds kann man aber den Sound komplett rausfiltern 😆
Mein Abenteuer #3dprinting geht weiter.
#Creality Slicer jetzt weggeworfen, #Cura 5.4 installiert, mit dem #Moonraker Plug-in. Nun kann ich die G-Code-Daten direkt an Klipper senden.
Meine Makros für Start geändert, um das Aussuppen des Extruders nicht auf dem Druckbett zu haben.
Es gibt so viele nützliche Infos im Netz, da ist es echt einfach, schnelle Ergebnisse hinzubekommen.
#3dprinting #creality #cura #moonraker
Been putting together a wall mount design for a #Lenovo #TabK10 this weekend. Great tablet for #HomeAssistant or other dashboards/displays as there is a batteryless version. Also available dead cheap as stock appears to be getting dumped.
This is the first time (since I got it 2 weeks ago) that I've used the #Creality #K1Max during prototyping a tablet mount and wow, has it sped things up! Which is just as well because I made quite a few cock ups on this one!
Version 12 is the one!
#k1max #creality #homeassistant #tabk10 #Lenovo
My Saturday morning trouble shooting lead to this. I hate putting this thing back together. Not looking forward to the next 30 minutes of fiddling with that tiny but mighty spring. Desperately holding it all together while also trying to align the screws perfectly. At least I don’t have to do it that often. #3dprinting #creality
The #Sunlu is the most featured by far on Youtube, I believe #Modbot uses it as well. I don't personally have one, but I am eying the Sunlu.
The #Creality one is cheaper, but it has some stupid temperature restrictions, and people have had other problems with it. So I'll evade that one.
#sunlu #modbot #creality #3dprinting
Ich bin ja gerade etwas in Bastellaune und eigentlich wäre ein #3D Drucker daheim etwas Feines. Ich habe den #Creality Ender-3 S1 (ggf. pro) im Auge, da es dafür auch ein Lasermodul gibt (das wäre eine nette Zusatzspielerei)
Für mich sollte alles eher einfach und bequem sein.
Gibt es Alternativen, wo man sagen würde: Das ist solider, der ist günstiger, der ist schneller, aber ähnliche Möglichkeiten?
Avec la tendance à l'augmentation des puissances optiques des lasers à diode, et notamment des modèles qui en combinent plusieurs pour atteindre 20W ou même maintenant 40W, j'ai voulu tester ça par moi-même : #laser #diy #creality #falcon2
#falcon2 #creality #diy #laser
#3Dprinter users of Mastodon. Do you have a pointer on how to resolve a "thermal runaway" error on fairly new Ender 3 Pro printer?
#3dprinter #3dprinting #creality #ender3
We just came across this exciting news about the launch of the #Creality Sermoon D3 Pro—a Red Dot Prize winner that's said to revolutionize the 3D printing industry with its cutting-edge features and exceptional performance. 🏆🎉
We are really curious to know what you all think about this new innovation. Is the Sermoon D3 Pro sparking your interest, or do you find it a bit too pricey for what it offers? 🤔💭
One feature that caught our attention is the "Independent Dual Extrusion," but we've also noticed more affordable automatic material systems like the #AMS from #Bambulabs or #Idex from #SnapMaker Do you believe dual extrusion is a game-changer, especially with these other alternatives available?
We would love to hear your thoughts and opinions! So, drop your comments, and let's discuss this fascinating development together! 🗣️🤗
#3DPrintingEnthusiast #CrealitySermoonD3Pro #UserOpinions #3DPrintingInnovation #3dprinting #JoinTheDiscussion
#creality #ams #bambulabs #idex #snapmaker #3dprintingenthusiast #crealitysermoond3pro #useropinions #3dprintinginnovation #3dprinting #jointhediscussion
🚀🖨️ Introducing the Creality Sermoon D3 Pro: Redefining 3D Printing! 🌟🏆
📣 Creality, a renowned 3D printer manufacturer, proudly announces the launch of its groundbreaking product, the Sermoon D3 Pro! This Red Dot Prize winner is set to revolutionize the industry with its cutting-edge features and outstanding performance, catering to the needs of professionals and enthusiasts across various sectors.
📅 Starting July 20, you can get your hands on the Sermoon D3 Pro through Creality's official online store at a competitive price of just USD $2,999. Experience the true value of innovation and excellence!
🌐 As the global 3D printing market surges, Creality recognizes the demand for fast, reliable, and high-quality printers. With the Sermoon D3 Pro, they aim to surpass expectations, providing industrial players with an extraordinary 3D printing experience.
#creality #3dprinting #innovation #sermoond3pro