Oh this one gives me strong #MelissaAufDerMaur vibes 👇
#NowPlaying 100 Little Deaths by #LilithCzar
...and please, Melissa, give us another album 🥺
#createdfromfilthanddust #tomsnowplaying #lilithczar #nowplaying #melissaaufdermaur
May I draw your attention to some industrially hard rock?
I just discovered #LilithCzar and now I am blasting her 2021 release "CreatedFromFilthAndDust" which so far sounds great!
...and I know that some people in here will like it too 🤘
#NowPlaying Lilith Czar - 100 Little Deaths
#createdfromfilthanddust #tomsnowplaying #nowplaying #lilithczar