What is ?

If you ask me, it's the moment when one with .

When is it good design?

It depends on how well thought out that intent is.

#design #creates #intent

Last updated 2 years ago

baki · @baki
9 followers · 53 posts · Server verisimilitudino.us

(This also means an absurdly small percentage of an immensely small percentage of a mere 5% of all matter in the universe literally all the , , , & in ; all the told, performed, & dreamt; everything & ; all committed, whispered, and holding us back; everything & & & ; all perpetrated & suffered, made, & determined.)

#creates #music #poetry #love #hate #existence #lies #heroics #dreams #imagined #hoped #atrocities #sweetnothings #fears #good #bad #moral #immoral #abuses #discoveries #truths

Last updated 2 years ago