Næste stop: Sucre, Bolivia
Onsdag tager vi tre fly for at komme til Sucre i Bolivia. Det er en af to hovedstæder i Bolivia (hvorfor nøjes med en). Tilbage i højden (ca. 2.800 m) og Andesbjergene.
Next stop: Sucre, Bolivia
On Wednesday we take three flights to get to Sucre in Bolivia. It is one of two capitals in Bolivia (why settle for one). Back at a high altitude (approx. 2,800 m) and the Andes Mountains.
#norouteexplore #worldtravellers #creaticdesign
Next stop: Indaiatuba, Brazil
Wednesday we fly off to Brazil for a revisit of Indaiatube and the family we have there. Last time we had a very nice time in the small, but cozy city that you will find about an hour's drive from São Paulo.
#norouteexplore #worldtravellers #creaticdesign
I just uploaded a few new pictures to my UNSPLASH account. This one is included.
Take a look on the site: https://unsplash.com/photos/ZGfsx-PRT34
#unsplash #NaturePhotography #penguin #norouteexplore #creaticdesign
#unsplash #naturephotography #penguin #norouteexplore #creaticdesign
I have just uploaded new pcitures to my Pixabay account. Among others this one: https://pixabay.com/da/photos/pingvin-g%c3%a5-vandkanten-vand-natur-7845305/
#pixabay #penguin #NaturePhotography #norouteexplore #creaticdesign
#pixabay #penguin #naturephotography #norouteexplore #creaticdesign
Næste stop: Castro, Chile
Onsdag tager vi med busser og færger over søer og bjerge til Castro i Chile - stadig en del af Patagonien. Det er hovedbyen på øen Isla Grande de Chiloé.
Next stop: Castro, Chile
Wednesday we will travel by busses and ferries over lakes and mountains to Castro in Chile - still part of Patagonia. It is the main city of the island Isla Grande de Chiloé.
#norouteexplore #worldtravellers #creaticdesign
Next stop: Bariloche, Argentina
Wednesday we will travel to the south of Argentina to the city of Bariloche - the one that many call the most beautiful city of Patagonia.
It will be a different experience to live in a small city.
#norouteexplore #worldtravellers #creaticdesign