#Dinosaur denier #AllieBethStuckey interviewed dinosaur liar #KenHam
#creationist #conservative #crazy
#dinosaur #alliebethstuckey #kenham #creationist #conservative #crazy
If your beliefs are truly #flatearth and #creationist - people should not be using tech.
B/C the physics that makes iPhones "go" says that the #cosmos is very old.
I can't believe I answer this question every so often.
#exvangelical #orphangelical #church
#flatearth #creationist #cosmos #exvangelical #Orphangelical #church
This article is behind a pay wall but well, the headline says it all.
Minister of forestry and agriculture Sari Essayah (CD) doesn’t believe in evolution (but apparently likes crafting).
article from 2015: https://suomenkuvalehti.fi/kotimaa/sari-essayah-ei-usko-evoluutioon-kertoo-mihin-vaaditaan-kaikkein-kovinta-uskoa/
#creationist #politics #politicsFI #naziJokeGovernment #finland
#creationist #politics #politicsfi #nazijokegovernment #finland
#Christian #Biologist Calls Young Earth a Fairy Tale (feat Dr #JoelDuff)
Our examination of the "#Evolution Exposed" all-star #creationist six-hour epic seminar with #RayComfort and 10 other well-known prominent #antievolution speakers. This time, #TimChaffey tells us that #origins is really just a conflict of #worldviews.
#christian #biologist #joelduff #evolution #creationist #raycomfort #antievolution #timchaffey #origins #worldviews
Watching my son come up with all these elaborate theories about how the tooth fairy can walk through walls but isn't a ghost, but also how garden fairies aren't real but the tooth fairy is... really puts me in mind of myself when I was a young earth #creationist.
Creationists And The Lack Of Reason
Creationists And The Lack Of Reason
#Creationism #Creationist #YEC
#Creationism #Creationist #YEC
#creationism #creationist #yec
Ken Ham Auto Correct
Ken Ham Auto Correct
#Creationism #Creationist #YEC
#Creationism #Creationist #YEC
#creationism #creationist #yec
#Creationist Legislation Fails in #Utah and #Oklahoma
I met a #creationist who claimed to be a medical doctor. He said cancer was caused by chemicals and nuclear power plants made by humans, and when I asked him if there was cancer before modern technology, he answered "I don't know, I wasn't there to see it".
“If evolution is true, the church is false” Joseph Fielding Smith, Mormon Church Historian and Prophet and Church President
Find the full article and more quotes at: https://wasmormon.org/if-evolution-is-true-the-church-is-false/ #exmormon
#mormon #lds #ldschurch #josephfieldingsmith #wasmormon #evolution #church #creationist #faithcrisis #ldsprophet
#ldsprophet #faithcrisis #creationist #church #evolution #wasmormon #josephfieldingsmith #ldschurch #lds #mormon #exmormon
Kent E. Hovind (or, to use his full former academic title Kent E. Hovind, inmate #06452-017) (1953–) is a young Earth #creationist, promoter of imminent millennialism, con man, professional liar, and convicted felon.
Hovind promotes Young Earth creationist and #Christian #dominionist views in lectures and videos sold or publicized through his Creation Science Evangelism organization (despite having no legitimate degree).
Hovind created The Hovind "Theory" to explain how the global flood got all the water — namely, a comet did it. Hovind then proceeded to ignore all scientific evidence on dinosaurs gathered this side of 1960. Not satisfied with this record of failure, in 2001, Hovind started Dinosaur Adventure Land, an amusement park in his backyard.
#RationalWiki #kenthovind #youngearth #taxfraud #SovereignCitizen #dinosauradventureland
https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Kent_Hovind #mailfraud #DomesticViolence #IndependentBaptist
#creationist #christian #dominionist #rationalwiki #kenthovind #youngearth #taxfraud #sovereigncitizen #dinosauradventureland #mailfraud #domesticviolence #independentbaptist
Ah, I wish I were still in contact with my old original #creationist interlocutor (back circa 1999) so he could comment. Is the ICR still going?
#bible #christian #holyspirit #godslove #muslim #christianity #quran #worship #atheist #muhammet #scripture #catholic #buddhism #bibleverse #life #verseoftheday #vishnu #catholicchurch #hinduism #islam #believer #allahuakbar #jew #god #faith #creationist #priest #prayers #muhammad #jesus
#bible #christian #holyspirit #godslove #muslim #christianity #quran #worship #atheist #muhammet #scripture #catholic #buddhism #bibleverse #life #verseoftheday #vishnu #catholicchurch #hinduism #islam #believer #allahuakbar #jew #god #faith #creationist #priest #prayers #muhammad #jesus
The dry spell is over. Look what we found at #AnswersinGenesis (AIG), the #creationist ministry of #KenHam (ol’ Hambo) — the ayatollah of Appalachia, the world’s holiest man who knows more about religion and science than everyone else. Hambo’s post is titled Can We Reverse #Aging in Humans?, and it was written by Hambo himself.
#answersingenesis #creationist #kenham #aging
Zo schattig: #JWST toont een foto van een exoplaneet. #Creationist gooit er een quote uit de Goatherders Guide to the Galaxy onder om te 'bewijzen ' dat de foto niet kan kloppen.
There is claim that repeatedly pops up in #creationist writing about how the “French Academy of Science” in 1861 published a list of 51 scientific facts that disproved the Bible. The claim continues that all 51 of those facts have now been debunked. This claim never includes any citation or list of what those 51 facts supposedly were.
The most recent creationist to make this claim is Paul Batura at #FocusOnTheFamily, as reported by the Sensuous Curmudgeon (https://sensuouscurmudgeon.wordpress.com/2022/12/28/the-james-webb-space-telescope-proves-the-bible/).
#focusonthefamily #creationist
My brain seems to want to have sound going whenever I'm working, and for some reason music often doesn't do it, so I stream stuff that I don't really need to pay attention to.
I did like old #NCIS episodes for a while, until I realized the extent to which it's #copaganda.
So now I've been listening to lots of people responding to #FlatEarth and #MLM and #Creationist and #Apologist claims, which is relatively benign.
But now and then it does strike me pretty forcefully how much energy goes into responding to basically-ludicrous views, and how many of such views are surprisingly widespread.
Is this a price that we necessarily pay for openness and diversity of at least slightly useful views? Is the activity of responding to ludicrous views a good way to keep one's neurons young? I dunno.
It just seems like a pity sometimes.
And there isn't an all-good being sending people to eternal torment, either.
#ncis #flatearth #mlm #apologist #copaganda #creationist
RT @debunkdenialism@twitter.com
Point-by-point refutation of common #creationist claims about #evolution. https://debunkingdenialism.com/2017/04/28/confused-creationist-student-wrong-on-evolution/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/debunkdenialism/status/1439958095040557064
Can we have a #slowclap for #ThomasLomelino? That massively #racist muppet claims to be a masters student in #biology - and then states that only white people stem from Adam and Eve and black folks origin from monkeys. This is equally racist and #creationist garbage. The university that Lomelino is attending should take a very strict look at his works. And #VlaamsBelang is just as shit as the #FPOe, attracting all these despicable #whitesupremacists. #racismbeatit
#slowclap #thomaslomelino #racist #biology #creationist #vlaamsbelang #fpoe #whitesupremacists #racismbeatit