Anyone else get an email from #Adobe about changes to how they sync files in #CreativeCloud?
It's written in corporate-speak ("We're improving things!"/We're actually making things worse) so I'm not 100% clear what is happening. It seems to be saying syncing will stop, but in the same email also says some files will remain in sync.
Anyone know what's happening?
The folks at #Adobe and #CreativeCloud are offering BIG discounts to student from now until September 4th. 60% off and first month free. Use my affiliate link here:
#Creators #photography #video
#adobe #creativecloud #creators #photography #video
Czy ktoś tutaj pracuje może w Creative Cloud? Złożyłem swojej kobiecie PC za 9k jakieś 2 lata temu, dzisiaj zamontowałem jej jeszcze EVO 980 PRO NVMe i taki InDesign przy dużym projekcie podlinkowanym muli się w podglądzie nadruku. Od czego to kurde zależy? #CreativeCloud #adobe #indesign #photoshop #illustrator #pc
#creativecloud #adobe #indesign #photoshop #illustrator #pc
Hace unos días pude hacer realidad uno de mis sueños desde que comencé de manera freelance en el mundo del diseño gráfico, poder pagar la licencia para la suite #CreativeCloud de #Adobe y aprovechar todos sus beneficios, sin dudas un nuevo mundo lleno de posibilidades.
#CreativeCloud von #Adobe aktualisiert Software auch über getaktete Verbindungen automatisch. Na herzlichen Dank.
I managed to snatch an #adobe #creativecloud subscription for extremely cheap.
Coming from #DarkTable, I have to say #Lightroom is much more intuitive and easy to use, and it’s pretty sweet being able to edit from my iPad.
The thing is, I’m not paying 500€ when my subscription period ends, so I better not forget about DarkTable too much.
#adobe #creativecloud #darktable #lightroom
Things that keep me from cancelling #Adobe #CreativeCloud :
- Illustrator tracing
- Illustrator color changer
- Acrobat form editing
- This one AfterEffects Project that I spent a lot of time on
- This one customer that needs .indd files
Things that keep me want to cancel:
- performance especially, it should not lag on a computer mostly unimpressed by my 3d, video and audio workflows
- buggyness
#bigtech #PDF #Photoshop #Indesign #Illustrator #Software #Rant #GraphicDesign
#adobe #creativecloud #bigtech #PDF #Photoshop #InDesign #Illustrator #software #rant #graphicdesign
A tragedy in two acts. #adobe #CreativeCloud #AdobeExpress #includedInYourPlan
#includedinyourplan #AdobeExpress #creativecloud #adobe
...despite the claims about ethical sourcing -- and my layperson suspicion that they're on much better legal ground than other companies -- artists have complained about misleading licensing terms from Adobe Stock before, including both in previous AI features and speculation about #Firefly.
Will the compensation plan -- for which the terms and rates are still unannounced -- mitigate that concern? Can permission be withdrawn?
#firefly #adobe #creativecloud
What’s new in #ArcGIS #Maps for #Adobe Creative #Cloud (March 2023)
#mapping #cartography #visualization #design #esri #GIS #TheScienceOfWhere #CreativeCloud #designer #geospatial #mapstodon
#arcgis #maps #adobe #Cloud #mapping #cartography #visualization #design #esri #GIS #TheScienceOfWhere #creativecloud #designer #geospatial #mapstodon
Holy crap y’all there’s a Homebrew package called Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool. That. That says a lot about Adobe lol.
I think nearly every time I use Adobe Illustrator’s Trace Image functionality, the result is disappointing. I can’t seem to find any combination of settings that provides an acceptable result. 😩
I think the functionality hasn’t changed in 6+ years.
I own a license of Serif’s Affinity Suite 2, but it has no such functionality (just plenty of requests for it). 😞
#Adobe #AdobeIllustrator #BitmapTracing #UI #UIDesign #CreativeCloud #Cartooning
#adobe #adobeillustrator #bitmaptracing #ui #uidesign #creativecloud #cartooning
Weak excuse. Every time #AdobeBridge is updated, something breaks. I'd switch but I have a workflow and file organization that I like too much. #CreativeCloud #PhotoWorkflow
#adobebridge #creativecloud #photoworkflow
#Adobe #Fresco ist eigentlich eine sehr gut gemachte gratis Mal-App auf #Windows #Tablets wie dem #Microsoft #Surface, aber was man sich da an #CreativeCloud Infrastruktur-Apps einfängt, die sich schön in Autostart (siehe Screenshot) und Tray einnisten und wieder ihren eigenen Update-Prozess mitbringen, nimmt echt schon Apple'sche Ausmaße an. Kann Adobe das nicht einfach als ganz normale Windows App anbieten? Wohl nicht in deren Interesse. So wird es keine Konkurrenz für #Sketchable.
#adobe #fresco #windows #tablets #microsoft #surface #creativecloud #sketchable
Hey, does anyone know if the entire catalogue of fonts are included in a Creative Cloud subscription? #Adobe #CreativeCloud
That feeling, when you realise you’ve created a sync conflict 😖 #photoshop #creativecloud
#Adobe #CreativeCloud
Adobe, why is your Creative Cloud font manager so bad?? You let me see active fonts and previously active fonts, but... I can't search or sort or find anything!! It's a giant font junk drawer. There's a font that I want to figure out if it's on my computer or from Creative Cloud. I can't find anything in your list that scroll forever and ever.
Pardon, mais... personne ne l'a vu venir quand le recours au #CreativeCloud est devenu inévitable ? C'est une des raisons pour lesquelles j'ai basculé sur #Darktable. #Adobe #lightroom #photoshop #AI
#creativecloud #darktable #adobe #lightroom #photoshop #ai
Adobe analizza i contenuti degli utenti per migliorare i prodotti AI
#Adobe analizza automaticamente i contenuti degli utenti di #CreativeCloud per addestrare algoritmi di #intelligenza #artificiale (#AI). Lo afferma il gruppo no profit indipendente #Krita Foundation.
Adobe afferma che l’azienda può analizzare i contenuti degli utenti utilizzando l’#apprendimento #automatico per #sviluppare e migliorare i propri prodotti e servizi.
L’accesso ai #dati utente è automaticamente disponibile per Adobe, ma può essere disabilitato nelle impostazioni.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#infosecurity #privacy #CyberSecurityNews #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybercrime #cybersecurity #hacking #dataprotection #ethicalhacking #informationsecurity #redhotcyber #dati #sviluppare #automatico #apprendimento #krita #ai #artificiale #intelligenza #creativecloud #adobe