@mjgardner @attacus I'd love to extend that to "and it is released under a #creativecomons license"
Algú m'explica quina diferència hi ha entre usar una llicencia Creative Comons o escriure directament: "Hola, soc pepito, per favor cita'm si comparteixis aquest treball"?
He entrar a mil blogs i he llegit tota la web del CC i a cap lloc trobo res que diga que CC/Copyleft porta un registre de les llicencies emeses, es a dir, no son llicencies son enganxines.
#fdroid #creativecomons #privacy
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
URL Check
Allows you to analyze (or share) urls before opening them.
This means you can sanitize the URL (take out tracking info and affiliate links)
#fdroid #creativecomons #privacy
We have 8 spots remaining in Pepper&Carrot Episode 3 credits.
Information how to get your name in credits is here - https://morevnaproject.org/2022/06/19/your-name-in-the-credits-of-peppercarrot-episode-3/
#peppercarrot #animation #creativecomons
various artist
"Dreamcore Music vol​.​2"
#ambient #electronic #CreativeComons #experimental #netaudio #netlabel #free #freemusic #ccmusic
#ambient #electronic #creativecomons #experimental #netaudio #netlabel #free #freemusic #ccmusic
When to Pay for Copyright Permissions
I have been asked a lot recently about when an author needs to get permission to use a photograph or other imagery in their book, website, or other marketing materials. I have written about this before, but here is a bit more detail.
#art #contract #copyright #creativecomons #fairuse #fee #image #imagery #istock #license #permission #photograph #publicdomain #shutterstock
#art #contract #copyright #creativecomons #fairuse #fee #image #imagery #istock #license #permission #photograph #publicdomain #shutterstock