@Concretism it's all in the mind as Ringo said in Yellow Submarine (sorry fave quote for me). This fits in with my post on #CreativeStrategies earlier. I learned on the course that I did how much your mind can mess with you and to understand how to manage it. Always a learning process, but I found that as soon as I was aware it really helped me let go of those kind of thoughts.
I want to curate my experience on here so that it is actually something that enhances my life rather than the waste of time and negativity I've experienced on other SM. To this end, I'm interested other artist's #CreativeStrategies (particularly music, but all ideas welcome).
I signed up for a creative music course while locked down and have found it invaluable both creatively and psychologically. Hoping insight can be swapped on here to help myself and others out.
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