Register for my session at #Know23 #CreatorCon:
"Gen Z developers are the future"
I'll cover why it's important, what has worked, and how ServiceNow fits
Also, here's one of my super extra slide transitions for the presentation
#servicenow #servicenowdev
#know23 #creatorcon #servicenow #servicenowdev
Just did a presentation at work on a couple weeks worth of work to define a GIT/App Repo deployment pipeline in ServiceNow. It's complex, different from what SN developers are used to, and a bit wonky, but it's mine. Could be a good topic for #CreatorCon? 😬
@flexsite hoping to get their. Ideally would like to present at #creatorcon but otherwise work may come to the table
@flexsite If my #CreatorCon sessions get picked, it'll be my 2nd time presenting in person and 3rd time overall. :) I hope to see everyone again in vegas! (even tho vegas sucks)
@flexsite Count me in! Will hopefully be my 4th time presenting in person (6th time total)
#servicenow #knowledge #knowledge23 #creatorcon