Die Anzahl der AWS Console credentials spricht schon irgendwie dafür, dass hier hauptsächlich Corporate User mit IT Hintergrund ausgespäht werden bzw. auf den Leim gehen. 🤔
"Flare found the following in the examined stealer logs:
179,000 AWS Console credentials
2,300 Google Cloud credentials
64,500 DocuSign credentials
15,500 QuickBooks credentials
23,000 Salesforce credentials
66,000 CRM credentials"
#malware #credentialtheft #security
Stolen credentials and the rise of the 'traffers' #CyberSecurity #CredentialTheft
#cybersecurity #credentialtheft
Adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) phishing is capable of circumventing multifactor authentication (MFA) through reverse-proxy functionality.
Dig into an example of a real-life attack and explore how to mitigate these types of attacks.
#AiTM #mfa #2fa #multifactorauthentication #azure #azuread #azureactivedirectory #defender #xdr #microsoft365defender #microsoft #microsoftsecurity #microsoft365 #conditionalaccess #antiphishing #sentinel #microsoftsentinel #identity #identityprotection #reverseproxy #cybersecurity #iam #iag #ueba #credentialtheft #phishing #soc #securityanalyst #monitoring #risk
#AiTM #mfa #2fa #multifactorauthentication #azure #azuread #azureactivedirectory #defender #xdr #microsoft365defender #microsoft #microsoftsecurity #microsoft365 #conditionalaccess #antiphishing #sentinel #MicrosoftSentinel #identity #identityprotection #reverseproxy #cybersecurity #iam #iag #ueba #credentialtheft #phishing #soc #SecurityAnalyst #monitoring #risk
Adrozek Malware Delivers Fake Ads to 30K Devices a Day - The Adrozek ad-injecting browser modifier malware also extracts device data and steals credentials... https://threatpost.com/adrozek-malware-fake-ads-30k-devices/162217/ #persistentmalwarecampaign #browsermodifier #credentialtheft #malwarecampaign #microsoftedge #googlechrome #malvertising #websecurity #adinjection #advertising #infostealer #webbrowser #microsoft #malware #adrozek #fakeads
#fakeads #adrozek #malware #microsoft #webbrowser #infostealer #advertising #adinjection #websecurity #malvertising #googlechrome #microsoftedge #malwarecampaign #credentialtheft #browsermodifier #persistentmalwarecampaign
Magecart Attack Convincingly Hijacks PayPal Transactions at Checkout - New credit-card skimmer uses postMessage to make malicious process look authentic to victims to st... https://threatpost.com/magecart-hijacks-paypal-transactions/161697/ #creditcardskimmer #credentialtheft #onlineshopping #affablekraut #threatactors #websecurity #postmessage #e-commerce #magecart #twitter #paypal #hacks
#hacks #paypal #twitter #magecart #e #postmessage #websecurity #threatactors #affablekraut #onlineshopping #credentialtheft #creditcardskimmer
TurkeyBombing Puts New Twist on Zoom Abuse - Threat actors already stole nearly 4,000 credentials before the holiday was even over, according t... https://threatpost.com/turkeybombing-zoom-abuse/161646/ #conferencecalls #credentialtheft #onlinemeetings #uncategorized #thanksgiving #threatactors #zoombombing #theanalyst #covid-19 #phishing #hackers #zoom
#zoom #hackers #phishing #covid #theanalyst #zoombombing #threatactors #thanksgiving #uncategorized #onlinemeetings #credentialtheft #conferencecalls
ThreatList: Pharma Mobile Phishing Attacks Turn to Malware - After the breakout of the COVID-19 pandemic, mobile phishing attacks targeting pharmaceutical comp... https://threatpost.com/threatlist-pharma-mobile-phishing-attacks-turn-to-malware/161318/ #mobiledevicemanagement #mostrecentthreatlists #pharmaceuticalcompany #credentialtheft #malwaredelivery #mobilesecurity #mobilephishing #phishingattack #mobiledevice #websecurity #coronavirus #remotework #covid-19 #hacks
#hacks #covid #remotework #coronavirus #websecurity #mobiledevice #phishingattack #mobilephishing #mobilesecurity #malwaredelivery #credentialtheft #pharmaceuticalcompany #mostrecentthreatlists #mobiledevicemanagement
Cybercrime Moves to the Cloud to Accelerate Attacks Amid Data Glut - A report on the underground economy finds that malicious actors are offering cloud-based troves of... https://threatpost.com/cybercrime-cloud-accelerate-attacks-data-glut/161243/ #mostrecentthreatlists #undergroundeconomy #cloudacceleration #credentialtheft #cloudsecurity #cloudsoflogs #cyberattacks #monetization #payforaccess #websecurity #cybercrime #databreach #stolendata #trendmicro #datacache #darkweb #breach
#breach #darkweb #datacache #trendmicro #stolendata #databreach #cybercrime #websecurity #payforaccess #monetization #cyberattacks #cloudsoflogs #cloudsecurity #credentialtheft #cloudacceleration #undergroundeconomy #mostrecentthreatlists
Silent Librarian Goes Back to School with Global Research-Stealing Effort - The Iranian hacker group is targeting universities in 12 countries. https://threatpost.com/silent-librarian-school-research-stealing/160099/ #credentialtheft #silentlibrarian #iranianhackers #libraryportals #malwarebytes #universities #websecurity #credentials #sanctions #colleges #phishing #research #stealing #breach #global #hacks #irán
#irán #hacks #global #breach #stealing #research #phishing #colleges #sanctions #credentials #websecurity #universities #malwarebytes #libraryportals #iranianhackers #silentlibrarian #credentialtheft
Amazon Prime Day Spurs Spike in Phishing, Fraud Attacks - A spike in phishing and malicious websites aimed at defrauding Amazon.com customers aim to make Pr... https://threatpost.com/amazon-prime-day-spurs-spike-in-phishing-fraud-attacks/159960/ #maliciouswebsites #vulnerabilities #bolsterresearch #credentialtheft #onlineretailers #onlinesecurity #onlineshopping #websecurity #amazonprime #consumers #covid-19 #phishing #primeday #amazon
#amazon #primeday #phishing #covid #consumers #amazonprime #websecurity #onlineshopping #onlinesecurity #onlineretailers #credentialtheft #bolsterresearch #vulnerabilities #maliciouswebsites
Alien Android Banking Trojan Sidesteps 2FA - A new 'fork' of the Cerberus banking trojan, called Alien, targets victims' credentials from more ... https://threatpost.com/alien-android-2fa/159517/ #multifactorauthentication #twofactorauthentication #microsoftoutlook #credentialtheft #mobilesecurity #bankofamerica #bankingtrojan #androidapp #mobileapp #cerberus #snapchat #telegram #malware #android #bypass #google #hacks #alien #2fa #mfa
#mfa #2fa #alien #hacks #google #bypass #android #malware #telegram #snapchat #cerberus #mobileapp #androidapp #bankingtrojan #bankofamerica #mobilesecurity #credentialtheft #microsoftoutlook #twofactorauthentication #multifactorauthentication
Gamer Credentials Now a Booming, Juicy Target for Hackers - Credential abuse drives illicit market for in-game rare skins, special weapons and unique tools. https://threatpost.com/gamer-juicy-target-for-hackers/159507/ #two-factorauthentication #accounttakeover #credentialtheft #mobilesecurity #counter-strike #cyberattacks #battlefield #coronavirus #bruteforce #steveragan #dreamhack #minecraft #fortnite #akamai #gamers #gaming #hacks #2fa #ato
#ato #2fa #hacks #gaming #gamers #akamai #fortnite #minecraft #dreamhack #steveragan #bruteforce #coronavirus #battlefield #cyberattacks #counter #mobilesecurity #credentialtheft #accounttakeover #two
Spyware Labeled ‘TikTok Pro’ Exploits Fears of US Ban - Malware can take over common device functions as well as creates a phishing page to steal Facebook... https://threatpost.com/spyware-labeled-tiktok-pro-exploits-fears-of-us-ban/159050/ #credentialtheft #googleplaystore #mobilesecurity #mobileapps #smartphone #tiktokpro #facebook #fakeapps #android #malware #spyware #zscaler #tiktok
#tiktok #zscaler #spyware #malware #android #fakeapps #facebook #tiktokpro #smartphone #mobileapps #mobilesecurity #googleplaystore #credentialtheft
Pioneer Kitten APT Sells Corporate Network Access - The Iran-based APT has infiltrated multiple VPNs using open-source tools and known exploits. https://threatpost.com/pioneer-kitten-apt-sells-corporate-network-access/158833/ #sellingnetworkaccess #vulnerabilities #credentialtheft #charmingkitten #corporatefraud #knownexploits #pioneerkitten #hackerforums #remoteaccess #websecurity #crowdstrike #security #hackers #hacks #irán #vpns
#vpns #irán #hacks #hackers #security #crowdstrike #websecurity #remoteaccess #hackerforums #pioneerkitten #knownexploits #corporatefraud #charmingkitten #credentialtheft #vulnerabilities #sellingnetworkaccess
Vermont Taxpayers Warned of Data Leak Over the Past Three Years - A vulnerability in the state’s system may have exposed personal data that can be used for credenti... more: https://threatpost.com/vermont-taxpayers-warned-of-data-leak-over-the-past-three-years/157856/ #credentialtheft #vulnerability #taxpayerdata #threatactors #databreach #taxreturns #security #privacy #vermont #breach #online #hacks #`
#hacks #online #breach #vermont #privacy #security #taxreturns #databreach #threatactors #taxpayerdata #vulnerability #credentialtheft
Microsoft Seizes Malicious Domains Used in Mass Office 365 Attacks - The phishing campaign targeted Office 365 accounts in 62 countries, using business-related reports... more: https://threatpost.com/microsoft-seizes-domains-office-365-phishing-scam/157261/ #compromisedemail #emailcredentials #credentialtheft #websecurity #coronavirus #microsoft #office365 #covid-19 #pandemic #phishing #lawsuit #domain #seized #hacks #hack #scam
#scam #hack #hacks #seized #domain #lawsuit #phishing #pandemic #covid #office365 #microsoft #coronavirus #websecurity #credentialtheft #emailcredentials #compromisedemail
Admins Urged to Patch Critical F5 Flaw Under Active Attack - Security experts and the U.S. Cyber Command are urging admins to update a critical flaw in F5 Netw... more: https://threatpost.com/patch-critical-f5-flaw-active-attack/157164/ #vulnerabilities #credentialtheft #activeexploit #criticalflaw #miraivariant #websecurity #cyberattack #coin-miner #f5networks #exploit
#exploit #f5networks #coin #cyberattack #websecurity #miraivariant #criticalflaw #activeexploit #credentialtheft #vulnerabilities
BofA Phish Gets Around DMARC, Other Email Protections - The June campaign was targeted and aimed at stealing online banking credentials. more: https://threatpost.com/bofa-phish-gets-around-dmarc-other-email-protections/156688/ #impersonationattack #emailprotections #credentialtheft #bankofamerica #websecurity #armorblox #campaign #phishing #targeted #dmarc #email
#email #dmarc #targeted #phishing #campaign #armorblox #websecurity #bankofamerica #credentialtheft #emailprotections #impersonationattack
Phishing Campaign Targeting Office 365, Exploits Brand Names - Attackers use trusted entities to trick victims into giving up their corporate log-in details as w... more: https://threatpost.com/phishing-campaign-targeting-office-365-exploits-brand-names/156698/ #checkpointsoftware #microsoftoffice365 #corporateaccounts #enterpriseservers #oxforduniversity #credentialtheft #threatactors #websecurity #phishing #malware #hackers #samsung #emails #adobe
#adobe #emails #samsung #hackers #malware #phishing #websecurity #threatactors #credentialtheft #oxforduniversity #enterpriseservers #corporateaccounts #microsoftoffice365 #checkpointsoftware
Qbot Trojan Reappears to Go After U.S. Banking Customers - The 12-year-old malware is still dangerous, sporting advanced evasion techniques. more: https://threatpost.com/qbot-trojan-us-banking-customers/156624/ #financialinstitutions #credentialtheft #anti-analysis #bankingtrojan #websecurity #antimalware #newvariant #u.s.banks #malware #evasion #qbot
#qbot #evasion #malware #u #newvariant #antimalware #websecurity #bankingtrojan #anti #credentialtheft #financialinstitutions