Danke für die Gedanken, @citizen5336119 - aber selbstverständlich sind bzw. wären auch Credits Geld! Ein Freund hat meinem Jüngsten sogar mal ein paar Star Wars-Credits der verschiedenen Regime geschenkt! 👇🤩🚀 #StarWars #Credits #Geld
Ich höre gerade eine sehr interessante Folge #insertmoin #podcast zum Thema Lokalisierung von Computerspielen.
Ich bin der Meinung, jede Person, die an einem Spiel mitgearbeitet hat, sollte auch in den #credits erscheinen.
Ich schaue mir gerne die Credits von Computerspielen an. Die längsten Credits aus der jüngeren Vergangenheit hatte #cyberpunk2077. Ich meine die Credits sind über eine halbe Stunde durchgelaufen.
#insertmoin #podcast #credits #cyberpunk2077
peut-être nous vendront-ils la corde pour les pendre, mais ils ne sont pas décidés à l’offrir. #subventions #crédits #associations #MinistèreDeLintérieur #ContratDengagementRépublicain #SLT #minorités https://seenthis.net/messages/1012829
#Subventions #credits #associations #ministeredelinterieur #contratdengagementrepublicain #slt #minorites
I'm enjoying the #tv #series #RedElection on #Hulu but #episode 7 was brutal.
Also a major #plot development.
The opening #credits are terribly done, imo, in a way that makes them difficult to read (moving, placed in different locations on the screen, moving and changing images in the background).
Some of us do like to read the credits so those who work in #entertainment know they're being noticed by rando weirdos like me.
#entertainment #credits #plot #episode #hulu #redelection #series #TV
Carbon credits are supposed to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions but have a credibility problem. Many carbon credits are based on dubious projects that do not deliver real climate benefits. Potential solutions, such as better standards, verification, and transparency, are proposed.
#ElSalvador #Argentina -- #distressed #credits rally (month-to-day return) World’s riskiest Govt #bonds outperform, chart @BloombergTV
#ElSalvador #argentina #distressed #credits #bonds
Dev Credits In Arcade Default High Scores
Waxy points us to a post on the blog The History Of How We Play (at thehistoryofhowweplay.wordpress.com, natch) explaining the practice of arcade game developers putting their initials on the default vanity boards of arcade machines, as some small way of getting their
#retro #arcade #bettytylko #blog #credits #davetheurer #donabailey #edlogg #highscores #retro #thehistoryofhowweplay
#thehistoryofhowweplay #highscores #edlogg #donabailey #davetheurer #credits #blog #bettytylko #arcade #retro
#keepitintheground: Verra #rainforest #credits used by Disney, Shell, Gucci and other big #corporations were largely worthless, often based on stopping the destruction of rainforests that were not threatened, according to independent studies. It also found evidence of forced #evictions at a flagship scheme co-operated by #Conservation International in Peru.
#GreenConservation #BigLie #humanrights #violations #redherring #ObliviousConsumption #corporatefraud #conservativevalues
#keepitintheground #rainforest #credits #corporations #evictions #conservation #greenconservation #biglie #humanrights #violations #redherring #obliviousconsumption #corporatefraud #conservativevalues
Those 🤬!
#Writer and #director #credits lost in switch from #HBOMax to #Max will be fixed : NPR
#WarnerBros #Discovery #WritersStrike2023
#writersstrike2023 #discovery #warnerbros #max #hbomax #credits #director #writer
Four new #rollercoaster #credits today at #prater : Rollerball, Insider, Maskerade and Gsengte Sau 🎢🎢🎢🎢
#prater #credits #rollercoaster
Der Kate Bush-Song „Running Up That Hill“ listet genau eine Musikerin als Autorin: Kate Bush. Am Beyoncé Song „Alien Superstar“ haben hingegen ganze 24 Songwriter und Songwriterinnen mitgewirkt. Warum so viele?
#Beyoncé #Credits #Popfilter #Renaissance #SongDesTages #Songwriting #PopfilterDerSongDesTages
#beyonce #credits #popfilter #renaissance #songdestages #songwriting #popfilterdersongdestages
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by Dawn Bright:
#anthro #tongue_out #vulva #breasts #carousel_boutique #credits #sound #looking_at_you #offscreen_character #growth
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art #anthro #tongue_out #vulva #breasts #carousel_boutique #credits #sound #looking_at_you #offscreen_character #growth
📬 Credits: The team behind Jurassic Pack #18
#Demoszene #English #JurassicPack #Credits #JP19 #Sane #Selectanovel https://tarnkappe.info/jurassic-pack/credits-the-team-behind-jurassic-pack-18-266686.html
#SelectaNovel #sane #jp19 #credits #JurassicPack #english #demoszene
@bluebeetle @sezduck More #SciFi is good sci-fi, in my view. But if I’m honest with myself, #PicardS03E01 was #weak. I was more intrigued by the scenes in the #credits. I do feel they should just drop the whole season, so that then we could just rip the bandage off and see where the #random #mess of story #fragments is headed.
#scifi #picards03e01 #weak #credits #random #mess #fragments
Plex has added end credits detection as of Plex Media Server v1.31.0. This feature offers a "Skip Credits" option that jumps to straight to the postplay screen or any post-credits scene.
#Plex #MediaServer #Upgrade #Version #Software #SelfHosted #Credits #PostCredits
#plex #mediaserver #upgrade #version #software #selfhosted #credits #postcredits
Films used to start with credits and end with “THE END”. You couldn’t do that now, the credits feature eight hundred thousand key grips and fourteen thousand best boys and it takes about an hour and forty five minutes to get through it all.
#credits #filmmaking #cinema #film
Fwd: New #tax #credits designed to help you invest in #clean #energy and electrify. “You have the power: How to electrify your home with new tax credits” on Thursday, Jan. 26 at 10:00 a.m. PT/1:00 p.m. ET. Whether you’re thinking of weatherizing your home, getting a heat pump, going solar, getting an electric vehicle or more, this workshop can help you tap new resources to save energy, save money and save the planet. #climate https://pirg.org/edfund/events/you-have-the-power-how-to-electrify-your-home-with-new-tax-credits/?
#tax #credits #clean #energy #Climate
A milioni di donne afgane è vietato lavorare. I bambini sfamano le famiglie. Lei vende penne a Kolola Poshta.
Ciao come ti chiami? Zainab. E cosa vendi? Penne. A quanto? 20 cent l'una. Se te le comprassi tutte saresti contenta? ☺️ Ma mi stai pagando troppo! È un regalo da parte dei miei supporters
Gioia corri subito a casa e dai tutti i soldi alla mamma
Sorride e va via saltellando, come i bambini spensierati
#Afghanistan #donne #lavoro #regime #bambini #povertà #fame #medioevo #Credits IDK
#afghanistan #donne #lavoro #regime #bambini #poverta #fame #medioevo #credits
Several Callisto Protocol developers reportedly left out of game’s credits
https://www.destructoid.com/the-callisto-protocol-credits-report-developers-left-off-striking-distance/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-callisto-protocol-credits-report-developers-left-off-striking-distance #StrikingDistanceStudios #TheCallistoProtocol #industry #credits #News
#strikingdistancestudios #thecallistoprotocol #industry #credits #News