Gizmodo: Experian Ordered to Pay $650,000 for Spamming Consumers With Emails #creditscoreintheunitedstates #experianconsumerservices #federaltradecommission #digitalmarketing #emailremarketing #personalfinance #emailmarketing #creditscoring #samuellevine #creditscore #canspamact #spamming #experian #lawcrime #gizmodo #email
#creditscoreintheunitedstates #experianconsumerservices #federaltradecommission #digitalmarketing #emailremarketing #personalfinance #emailmarketing #creditscoring #samuellevine #creditscore #canspamact #spamming #experian #lawcrime #gizmodo #email
How can AI be used to improve credit scoring? - AI can analyze data for accurate risk assessment, reduce bias, au... - #lendingexperience #personalization #riskassessment #creditscoring #biasreduction #dataanalysis #automation #improve #ai
#ai #improve #automation #dataanalysis #biasreduction #creditscoring #riskassessment #personalization #lendingexperience
9 examples of artificial intelligence in finance - Discover how artificial intelligence is transforming the financia... - #artificialintelligence #insuranceunderwriting #portfoliomanagement #algorithmictrading #personalizedadvice #customerservice #frauddetection #riskmanagement #creditscoring #finance
#finance #creditscoring #riskmanagement #frauddetection #customerservice #personalizedadvice #algorithmictrading #portfoliomanagement #insuranceunderwriting #artificialintelligence
Join us on Friday, 12:00 (CET) for another #DiSCourseSeminar. Topic: #AlgorithmicBias in #CreditScoring: Lessons Learned and Unresolved Problems. Speaker: Galina Andreeva from the University of Edinburgh Business School. More: Link:
#discourseseminar #algorithmicbias #creditscoring
We're looking forward to having Galina Andreeva, Professor of Societal Aspects of Credit, as a guest speaker at our next #DiSCourseSeminar. Join us on 3 March, 12:00 (CET) for her talk on #AlgorithmicBias in #CreditScoring! More info:
#discourseseminar #algorithmicbias #creditscoring
— from: African Development Bank Group, ADFI [Africa Digital Financial Inclusion Facility] Call for Proposals 2023, December 2022 (Deadline for Submission: March 31, 2023)
— Available here:
#fintech #financialservices #banking #payments #ecommerce #regulatorysandbox #regulation #digitalinfrastructure #creditscoring #cybersecurity #dataprivacy #crossborderpayments #remittances #financialinclusion #consumerprotection #MSME #Africa #ADB
#adb #Africa #MSME #consumerprotection #financialinclusion #remittances #crossborderpayments #DataPrivacy #CyberSecurity #creditscoring #digitalinfrastructure #regulation #regulatorysandbox #ecommerce #payments #banking #financialservices #fintech
Speech by Agustín Carstens, General Manager, Bank for International Settlements, BIS conference “Big techs in finance – implications for public policy” Basel, Switzerland, February 8, 2023
— Available here:
#bigtech #finance #networkeffects #regulation #activitybasedregulation #entitybasedregulation #banking #financialservices #creditscoring #financialinclusion #privacy #financialstability #operationalrisk #resilience #corporategovernance #BIS
#bis #Corporategovernance #resilience #operationalrisk #financialstability #Privacy #financialinclusion #creditscoring #financialservices #banking #entitybasedregulation #activitybasedregulation #regulation #networkeffects #Finance #BigTech
We discuss how this works in different legal settings in which diverging legal obligations compete, such as #creditscoring, #COMPAS, and the recently enacted fair #ranking provisions of the DMA. Our paper is the first, to our knowledge, to provide both a technical and legal perspective on the DMA.
#creditscoring #compas #ranking
Allein das Wort "Adresshändler" ist schon so krass daneben einfach! #CreditScoring #Datenschutz
The violations meanwhile keep continuing. The followup to the complaint in Oct 2018 was made last month - #CashlessConsumer #Privacy #CreditScoring #DataEconomy
#cashlessconsumer #privacy #creditscoring #DataEconomy
.@openschufa: „Mir auf Basis von Daten, die über mich gesammelt werden, einen Kredit zu verweigern, ist wesentlich bedeutender, als mir personalisierte Wahlwerbung anzuzeigen“ @lorz setzt #creditscoring ins Verhältnis zum „Skandal“ um #CambridgeAnalytica #SCHUFA #rp18 #openSCHUFA
#creditscoring #cambridgeanalytica #schufa #rp18 #openschufa