But even with this established and together person, I was with her for a long time because of how many questions she had about the #creditsystem.
Credit is a confusing and unfair system, and it's not there to be fair. It's there to reward #wealth.
OMG they have a #creditSystem that is governed by the people in the #society.
*turns around*
ZOMG they have a #creditRating controlled by the #corporateState.
#creditsystem #society #CreditRating #corporateState
Whether we say #CreditRating, #CreditScore, or #CreditSystem, it is clear that, #China did not invent some new credit system. Perhaps it took the system out of #church and #corporateState, and into govt?
Assuming that govt has checks and balances, and #churchAndCorporateState, have less of such, or more liberal definitions. Maybe a govt model of #credit is better?
A #UBI that goes up slightly as people age is propably the most just system.
@icedquinn @lewdthewides@poa.st @sullybiker
#CreditRating #CreditScore #creditsystem #china #church #corporateState #churchAndCorporateState #credit #ubi