Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
423 followers · 5045 posts · Server

Oh yikes!
😬 😬 😬

All the "no one deserves that" went out the window and we've reached the "she must have done something to provoke having paint thrown at her, by a man who conveniently had a can of white paint with him, the lid of which had been loosened so that he could open it just using his fingertips".

Weird how the woman who has been stalking me for months and months has zero footage of me doing anything other than standing off to the side, watching what's happening, staring at my phone, and walking around.

You'd think the whole "violent Black woman" narrative would be enhanced by some of that footage.

God knows has tried to provoke enough, couldn't even get me to press a button, and only got a mild response by forcing me into traffic.

But suddenly I must have ✌🏾"done something"✌🏾

Uh huh.

#creepyspouseindahouse #carymango #victimblaming #carymastans

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
422 followers · 5012 posts · Server

I mean thanks, but I already have his name.

If you want to help me find someone, maybe look into my stalker.

Details at the hashtag


Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
422 followers · 5007 posts · Server

Speaking of stalking.


#carymango #creepyspouseindahouse

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
420 followers · 4963 posts · Server


Yeah yeah, you feel like people are co-opting you somehow because Her Shittiness is using "them" and "antifaux" to construe her enemies as a cohesive group that she's battling against.

See because I remember pointing out that strategy a year(?) ago.

I mean, she decided that I was magically part of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, because a) they had tagged me at the end of a couple of threads so that I would amplify, and b) her vendetta against a unitary Black woman looks really fucking shitty, but if she could make it some great organized thing, suddenly the institutional power of the state she represents as a lawyer seems less uneven.

CAHN remains remarkably monochromatic and I am definitely not of the hue.

You didn't fucking care when I pointed it out, but now somehow you feel like you are being implicated?
Really? 🎻

How well ANYONE has listened to ANY of the warnings we've tried to give? And that's literally all we've been trying to do is give you a fucking heads up in case she drags her entitled ass to your town in search of content to grift from — so that you might be able to skip the learning curve and shut her out.

"Just ignore her."

Yeah, you can go sit in the corner with the fucking shitlibs who somehow think she's providing unbiased coverage, because she's figured out that she can target her enemies by equating them with fascists

I am LITERALLY the least interesting person at an action, by design. I am off to the side watching the cops.

If you go to an action and end up with footage of me, it's not an accident. And it's DEFINITELY not because you give a flying fuck about the focus of that action.

So fuck you and your victim-blaming bullshit. I hope drags her entitled, grifting ass to your town and then you can feel free to ignore her and her all you like.

Good luck getting everyone on side with that. Because it literally takes ONE person asking the wrong question to set her off, in case you haven't noticed.


#carymango #creepyspouseindahouse

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
420 followers · 4957 posts · Server

Let's hear 's tale of why her

#carymango #creepyspouseindahouse #stalking

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
419 followers · 4863 posts · Server


I've been telling people that these two need cameras on them the entire time they're on site at an action for what feels like years now, but in reality has only been many months.

They pretend to be "objective" (which is sheer to begin with), while submitting only a fraction of the footage they shoot from any interaction.

Remember the discrepancy between my footage from Peterborough and hers? You can literally see when starts filming me.

Imagine my glee when someone shared with me a screenshot of her folder called "Narrative control".

#whitenonsense #creepyspouseindahouse

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
419 followers · 4858 posts · Server

Here's what actually happens when 's intellectually inert spouse/enforcer is harassing someone at an action.

Just a reminder of EXACTLY WHO is harassing people when you watch the footage — and this person is not a "public figure", so let's not have any of that bullshit.

And again!
Her response to this shitty episode was basically:

"Ignore what it looks like objectively; just watch these select few seconds from his camera, because isn't that what actually matters?"
🫠 🫠 🫠 🫠 🫠

Some people seem weirdly confused about it who is recording, even when they're HEARING HIS VOICE.

▪︎ has NO RESPECT for anyone's boundaries,
▪︎ particularly likes to PHYSICALLY INTIMIDATE women,
▪︎ often ends up panting like he's GETTING OFF on the harassment.

Literally backed me into the street, which is why he got kneed in the nads.

You could have listened when Black women told you this shit, but no.
And it's still going on.

#carymango #creepyspouseindahouse

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
419 followers · 4854 posts · Server

I downloaded this graphic July 11th!

She has managed not to target someone for an ENTIRE MONTH!

Who's going to be lucky 99?
You know it's coming!

#carymango #creepyspouseindahouse #thecaryma100 #definitelynotanarcissist

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
414 followers · 4692 posts · Server

Let's look at some of the people she's chosen to boost.¹

Image 1: This one refers to people videoing each other, ignoring the fact that he's watching the product of somebody videoing somebody else who's literally just standing there, refusing to interact, and filming so that when tries to spin what happened, as she has so many times, there's a much fuller record of events.

Image 2: screams louder? What? I literally said nothing to
What could he possibly — ohhhhhh. Okay.

Image 3: retweets me not be endorsements, but holy shit she likes a lot of Terfs.

Image 4: I feel like this one is self-explanatory.


¹ Yes, it's no longer last night. I got busy. Supposed to be doing something else right now, even.

#carymango #creepyspouseindahouse

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
414 followers · 4682 posts · Server

(Sorry, doing this while travelling, so it's a bit intermittent.)

If the deliberate diminishing of the word "profile" isn't malicious enough, let's look at how she couched the video when she posted it. [ image 1 ]

If you actually want to watch the video, you're going to have to go to her Twitter feed and check it out, otherwise you'll just have to take my word for this. (Or the word of one of her fan base who actually had the nerve to question her use of the word "brandish". [ image 2 ])

In the video, feigns fear of the 😱Scary Black Woman😱 because I am sporting a Fox40 whistle, while simultaneously challenging me to use it.

Now, I'm sporting said whistle in case I need to call over help, should this creepy motherfucker try to physically intimidate me AGAIN, as he has on multiple occasions, including forcing me onto a busy road in Peterborough¹. (That led to his acquiring the nickname for reasons I'm sure you can imagine.)

When he mentions the whistle, I hold it up and pointed off to the side doing my best Vanna White impression, demonstrating the product. My hand is not on the button. It is not pointed at him. But let's use The Trope to make the action seem much more threatening than it actually is. Something one of her fan base managed to pick up on.

The whistle also has the delightful side effect of ruining their audio. 😄

But, when there's a press conference happening, the subject of which I am actually interested in and have chosen to participate in in my own way, I'm not going to blow the whistle just because some abusive motherfucker thinks he can goad me into it.

For the record, Nads has tried to leverage the scary black woman trope before, while harassing a fellow MDC member.²

[I am about to make dinner, and then I have a meeting, but aiming for completing this tonight. Let's talk about what responses chose to highlight.]



#creepyspouseindahouse #nadsmckneely #carymango

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
414 followers · 4680 posts · Server


Slight recap:
came up the centre path, turned right, went the long way around the park paths, up the driveway, behind the group, pauses for a moment and, films well — you be the judge of how long he films of the actual conference, and then returns to focussing on me.

Contrast this video evidence with 's claim that was there to film the conference, but I "profiled" him (AND note the use of "profile" in a way that dilutes the impact of instances like when police actually profile racialized groups) so he was not able to accomplish his goal.

Does it ring at all true to you?

For the record, I did not film him as he scooted behind the cars, and I cut out a couple more seconds because this thing will only let me upload 40 megabytes of video and, frankly, watching him scoot is really not all that exciting.

#creepyspouseindahouse #carymango #nadsmckneely

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
414 followers · 4679 posts · Server


Now, I actively chose to coordinate at this one because I had been watching the shitshow unfold since the beginning.

I am very interested in the subject, have been extremely public about said interest, and am very public about my involvement with the Movement Defence Committee of the Law Union of Ontario.

In short, it was a pretty safe bet that my Black ass would be at this action.

Enter 's cameraspouse, SIXTEEN MINUTES into the hour-long press conference, utterly unconcerned with what is taking place. He scoots up the center path,, sees me [ image 1 ], and hangs a right.

He goes down the path to the legislative buildings driveway, circles behind the group holding the press conference [ image 2 ], and this is in the next toot, because I can't attach video and photos to one post...

#carymango #creepyspouseindahouse #nadsmckneely

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
414 followers · 4653 posts · Server

Maybe someone should have stopped to listen for thirty seconds before zeroing in on his target, (me, a Black woman) at this PARTICULAR event.

Wrong place, wrong time for your bullshit.¹

¹ CF:

#carymango #creepyspouseindahouse #racism #stalking

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
414 followers · 4641 posts · Server

Speaking of backfiring:
I wonder what would happen if I told people I have stalkers and they didn't turn up.

It might be embarrassing (though probably not, given all the footage I already have), but we're absolutely never going to find out.

All it does is make more and more people defensive of me, so, congrats I guess 😄

#CommunityDefence #whokeepsussafe #carymango #creepyspouseindahouse

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
415 followers · 4633 posts · Server

Oh look, our first fash.
giving me more stalking footage.

Didn't even pretend to be interested in what was happening here, and, wearing a mask for a leftist event 🫠

#creepyspouseindahouse #nadsmckneely #carymango

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
401 followers · 4207 posts · Server

2️⃣ 📢 2️⃣ 📢 2️⃣ 📢 2️⃣

I had been planning to do a lengthy Second Shit Showiversary thread for today, primarily about the fallout and what havoc narcissistic rage can wreak when it is given free rein.

I had lined up the sections of the thread:

▪︎ The scene
▪︎ The apology
▪︎ The response
▪︎ The spin
▪︎ The CAHNspiracy
▪︎ The On-going

I had pulled together all the stats about how police-reported crimes against East Asians were up 293%¹ over 2020 numbers, which was the environment into which an entitled piece of shit decided to hurl a "comedy show" (because anti-vaxxers are so fucking funny, I guess) and ignore everyone's concerns for the safety of community, because it meant NOTHING when compared to her desire to "balance out the negativity" surrounding Chris Sky.

Then I had been planning to remind people that the police came to the blockade, found nothing illegal, and left, hours before a rampaging mob of Chris Sky die-hards with a history of violence arrived amped up on hate and who knows what, but you can read about that here:

I have screenshots of the repercussions of the hilarious non-apology, and her discussion with the person who created the template for apologizing that her self-aggrandizing ass couldn't even follow.

Then I was going to detail how the target magically shifted from tales of "politics in the Chinatown Centre ... [s]ecret handshakes, curious connections, missing documents, deleted files, and smoking gun emails" to "I think I ended up on [redacted] radar after making a joke about the price of seedless watermelon." ²

Oh, and then I was going to delve into the CAHNspiracy: How all of her critics magically belong to this nebulous organization that recruits by *checks notes* tagging people at the end of Twitter feeds so they might amplify the message. 🤔

But instead, I had a really good weekend and I've decided not to.

I have legal observed at hundreds — that is not an exaggeration — hundreds of progressive actions in the city of Toronto.

I have been at railway blockades, sit ins, encampment clearings, art attacks, marches, highway closures and more. I have been at events with literal fucking Nazis declaring that one group or another needed to be exterminated.

Somehow, this one night has managed to somehow be worse, largely because FOR SOME UNKNOWN REASON, shitlibs and people who ought to have known better, insisted on categorizing her as a "progressive".

Mercifully, that seems to be over, including the gaslighting.

Everybody's finally seeing her for what she is. At least everybody who matters. Sure, she has a core group of loyal Nazi-adjacent stans, but that's pretty obvious, too.

Weird how few apologies have come out of it, but it is what it is.

So instead, I am going to go check in on some friends, do a little work, check my mushroom buckets (there were elm oysters pinning), and later raise a toast to the OTHER NINETY-SIX PEOPLE targeted by her ego. Okay, not all 96 others, because: fuck the (tiny handful of) fash.

I don't even understand how you keep track of that many enemies, but that's her world, not mine.

If you want to read more about it, I recommend: or the BirdChan original at:


And check the following hashtags for the latest bullshit:




#carymango #creepyspouseindahouse

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
392 followers · 4092 posts · Server

I don't know how much clearer I can make the evil of neutrality in the face of oppression.

And somehow her base feels justified in judging "behaviour" of people fighting for rights.

I wonder how they got there.

#carymango #creepyspouseindahouse

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
392 followers · 4092 posts · Server

@joemorin73 @Souriquois


Imagine spending actual effort on "narrative control" that can be shattered in 2 minutes with some clips and photos.

Like your jackhole spouse saying this.

#carymango #creepyspouseindahouse

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
387 followers · 4023 posts · Server

No one wonders where you would be standing.

Same as it ever was.

#carymango #carymaga #creepyspouseindahouse

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
390 followers · 4017 posts · Server

Man, it's SUCH A MYSTERY why these people want nothing to do with , the person who:

▪︎ feigned friendship with an UNHOUSED PERSON while working with his tormentor to write a nonsense article about as many of her "enemies" as she could cram in, for — *checks notes* — working to defend a homeless encampment.

▪︎ went on a campaign of provocation against someone who HELPS PEOPLE STRUGGLING TO GET BY because — *checks notes* — she commented on the effect the aforementioned article had on the community.

▪︎ brought her transphobic friend as part of her crew to — *checks notes* — cover counter-protestors.

And that's before we even get into , her attempts to out Indigenous protestors, schmoozing with cops, and grifting off other people's struggle.

But hey! Profiling!

#carymango #creepyspouseindahouse

Last updated 1 year ago