Haitian Creole
Kreyòl ayisyen
Siklòn nan se kounye a yon kategori kat.
The hurricane is a category four.
1: youn
2: de
3: twa
4: kat
5: senk
#weather #haiti #creole #HaitianCreole #hurricane
@maiathecyberwitch Sorry! 🧐 [ 🫡:blobcatlesbian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJqn0iKb3zE ]
No can do BAWZ! 🙃
But hass'th dippeth' imself in 'ONEY! 😅 :zazzy: 😂 🤖
🤭 ~~~ ke' #astropath #langbelta #creole #cunninglinguists
#astropath #LangBelta #creole #cunninglinguists
Prizonye Jakmèl la: Yon Pyès Teyatral an Kreyol by Nicole Titus
#HaitianCreole, #KreyòlAyisyen, #Kreyòl, #creole, #teyat, #sante
"Prizonye Jakmèl la se yon pyès teyatral sosyal ak psikolojik ki ekri apre yon ensidan an 1996, kote 88 timoun te mouri ann Ayiti apre to te bwè siwo pou grip fèt avèk materyèl ki te kontaminen an Chin."
#HaitianCreole #kreyolayisyen #kreyol #creole #teyat #sante
Quelle meilleure occasion pour booster cet excellent blues créole au paroles de luttes ?
"Misié pwézidan
Ou entélijan
Fo ou espliké mwen sa ki ka pasé
Misié pwézidan
Séw ka gouvèwné
Fo espliké mwen pou ki rézon nou ka goumé
Nou la ka goumé goumé goumé
Goumé goumé goumé woy
Lité lité lité
Lité lité lité
Monsieur le Président,
vous qui êtes intelligent,
il faut m’expliquer ce qu’il se passe.
Monsieur le Président,
vous qui gouvernez,
il faut m’expliquer pour quelle raison nous devons toujours nous battre.
On peut juste se battre, se battre, se battre…
se battre, se battre, se battre…
lutter, lutter, lutter…
lutter, lutter, lutter…"
"Mr Président"
(Delgres. 2018)
#MMRplaylist #pouetradio #blues #creole #bluescreole
#Caribbean #Haiti #BlackMusic #CaribbeanMusic #Kweyol #Kreyol #Creole
The song that starts just after 5 mins to about 6 mins. Cookie for whoever can find a full version.
My 🇩🇲 dad says it sounds like System Band 🇭🇹
What I think I hear:
Ezili O! Ezili Sa! Ezili O! Ezili Sa!
Si'w te move konprann mwen chagrine
Si'w pa (kwè?) Bondye (t?) nou ta priye.
@haitianaute you are my only hope ;)
#creole #kreyol #kweyol #caribbeanmusic #blackmusic #Haiti #caribbean
Reposted @nolahistoryguy Reposted @jeremiahbeck cottage ⚜️💋🏡🚪♥️🚪🪴🌤️💦
#onlyinneworleans #showmeyournola #neworleansphotographer #lovenola #neworleansphotography #itsyournola #creole #neworleanshomes #nolalove #nolaphotographer #nolaphotography #neworleanslouisiana #neworleansla #followyournola #findyournola #504 #neworleansculture #neworleanslife #neworleansstyle #nolavibes #mynola #nolaliving #neworleanshistory #nola #crescentcity #bigeasy #neworleans #nolahistory #phonephotography #shotgunhouse
#onlyinneworleans #showmeyournola #neworleansphotographer #lovenola #neworleansphotography #itsyournola #creole #neworleanshomes #nolalove #nolaphotographer #nolaphotography #neworleanslouisiana #neworleansla #followyournola #findyournola #neworleansculture #neworleanslife #neworleansstyle #nolavibes #mynola #nolaliving #neworleanshistory #nola #crescentcity #bigeasy #neworleans #nolahistory #phonephotography #shotgunhouse
Adelina by Ewald Delva (Zòf)
#woman, #womanayisyen, #HaitianCreole, #KreyòlAyisyen, #creole, #kreyòl, #literatiKreyòl, #literatiayisyen
Woman kreyòl ayisyen, premye edisyon.
#woman #womanayisyen #HaitianCreole #kreyolayisyen #creole #kreyol #literatikreyol #literatiayisyen
They're still arguing about the difference between #Cajun and #Creole #food even in the 24th century.
#StarTrek #DeepSpace9 #DS9 #scifi #NewOrleans #NOLA #Louisiana #cuisine
#cajun #creole #food #startrek #DeepSpace9 #ds9 #scifi #neworleans #NOLA #louisiana #cuisine
Nous travaillons à une proposition de loi où les langues régionales ne seront plus seulement des matières optionnelles #creole https://nitter.net/reunionla1ere/status/1668637506399617025
J'ai une grande tendresse pour ce groupe, disons blues-rock chanté en créole avec des riffs métalleux.
Paroles traduites en fr.
"Mr Président"
(Delgrés. 2018)
#MMRplaylist #bluescreole #blues #creole #bluesrock
Over 70,000 Haitian citizens have presented at a U.S. port of entry since October 2022, making #Creole a critical language. Even after complaints from our team, alongside @HaitianBridge@twitter.com
and dozens of other activists, the app is still not properly translated into Creole.
anybody (including me), who live, or who’ve lived in #Seattle in the relatively recent past, miss FranGlor’s Creole Cafe?
fabulous dirty rice, gumbo, etc. and, if you were a customer, you were treated like royalty. both Fran and Gloria were there, taking care of business. having two strikes against them (black and female), they still managed to carve out a successful place in the restaurant industry.
they’re heroes.
I can’t count how many times I ate there. strictly #nummy.
#seattle #nummy #creole #cuisine
"Want fi goh rave"
(LKJ. 1979)
Great song about the hardness of life and how broken youth dealt with it.
LKJ sings it in jamaican patwa but it's easily understandable, or at least guessable.
#MMRplaylist #reggae #DubPoetry #LKJ #patwa #creole
Félicitations @sebastienfolin et @Mayakamaty pour ce moment d’histoire et de culture ! 🤩 Quelle claque !
Un documentaire riche, touchant et tellement inspirant encore à l’heure actuelle !
@ziskakan une révolution créole !
⛰️🌋🎶🎤📖✊ 🇷🇪
#IleIntense #Team974 #LaRéunion
#Culture #Documentaire #Histoire #Créole
#creole #histoire #documentaire #culture #lareunion #team974 #ileintense
🎞️ REPLAY 🎞️
A (re)voir sur France3 le 1er documentaire de #SebastienFolin :
Ziskakan, une révolution créole raconte le combat identitaire et pacifique mené par les membres du groupe réunionnais Ziskakan […]
🎥 https://www.france.tv/documentaires/4881805-ziskakan-une-revolution-creole.html
#histoire #creole #culture #team974 #sebastienfolin
dyakout : 1, 2, 3, 4 by Feliks Moriso-Lewa; Félix Morisseau-Leroy
#HaitianCreole, #KreyòlAyisyen, #creole, #kreyòl, #pwezianKreyòl, #pwezi, #pwezikreyòlayisyen, #literatiayisyen, #literatiKreyòl
Jamaica, New York : Haïtiana Publications Inc.
#HaitianCreole #kreyolayisyen #creole #kreyol #pweziankreyol #pwezi #pwezikreyolayisyen #literatiayisyen #literatikreyol
Pa bliye 1804 = Souviens-toi de 1804 by Jean Casimir; Jan Kazimi
#Ayiti, #Haïti, #HaitianCreole, #KreyòlAyisyen, #creole, #kreyòl, #istwaAyiti, #créoleHaïtien, #leta, #létat, #kolonizasyon, #colonialisme, #ras, #race, #histoiredHaïti
"Pa bliye 1804 pa you liv ki ekri pou espesyalis ; li ta anvi rive nan mem pi fò moun ki renmen li. Entansyon liv-la se esplike kote divòs ant nèg plim e ank-yo ak rès sitwayen nan peyi-a soti, e ki dega divòs-sa-a fè."
#Ayiti #haiti #HaitianCreole #kreyolayisyen #creole #kreyol #istwaAyiti #creolehaitien #leta #letat #kolonizasyon #colonialisme #ras #race #histoiredhaiti