They looks funny!
I cannot figure out what the name of the band is out of "FullMooN、吉祥寺 CRESCENDOの"FullMooN presents 満月の宴 ~ 今夜も踊ろうぜ ~"で撮影しました。 #満月團 #FullMooN #CRESCENDO #クレッシェンド"
#クレッシェンド #crescendo #fullmoon #満月團
Op 3 juni 2023 organiseert Crescendo een Play-in voor beginners.
Nu op Medemblik praat: 'Leer een instrument bespelen in één dag, bij Crescendo'
Lees verder op:
@GottaLaff @Dahlialith Please remember who placed #ClarenceThomas on #SCOTUS - #GeorgeBush - after the retirement of #ThurgoodMarshall. The #LongGame begun by #Reagan, actively implemented by #GHWBush, #GeorgeWBush and #Trump #orchestrated by the #FederalistSociety brought us to this #crescendo - is American now an #oligarchy?
#clarencethomas #SCOTUS #georgebush #thurgoodmarshall #longgame #reagan #ghwbush #georgewbush #trump #orchestrated #federalistsociety #crescendo #oligarchy
No offense but I live my life loud, off ground, high wound, like a storm cloud, mad dog, wolfhound
(I will not apologize for my random lyrics outbursts)
No offense but I live my life loud, off ground, high wound, like a storm cloud mad dog, wolfhound
(I will not apologize for my random lyrics outbursts)
#ShoutOut 📢 to #PowerShell #Crescendo
wrap your native applications in powershell modules and get a nice object-oriented interface for them
#OpenSource #GitHub #Posh #Pwsh #CommandLine #DotNet #OOP #Linux #Windows
#opensource #github #posh #pwsh #commandline #dotnet #oop #linux #windows #shoutout #powershell #crescendo
@DoctorDNS @ansible
I wonder if #powershell #crescendo can help with the interface. Maybe there is already a definition for winget
Crescendo - #makemusicnotwar/ L`umanità e la pace protagoniste del film di Zahavi #crescendo ##makemusicnotwar/ #lumanità #pace #protagoniste #film #zahavi #18agosto
#18agosto #zahavi #film #protagoniste #pace #lumanità #crescendo #makemusicnotwar
Le Regioni dove il Diabete Mellito sta crescendo sempre più, l`allarme lanciato dall`OMS #regioni #diabete #mellito #crescendo #lallarme #lanciato #dalloms #19luglio
#19luglio #dalloms #lanciato #lallarme #crescendo #mellito #diabete #regioni