> DEFINITELY don't think these robed cretins should have standing in the 21st century.
one of my favorite etymologies:
'1779, from French crétin (18c.), from Alpine dialect crestin, "a dwarfed and deformed idiot" of a type formerly found in families in the Alpine lands, a condition caused by a congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones. The word is of uncertain origin. By many it has been identified with Vulgar Latin *christianus "a Christian," a generic term for "anyone," but often with a sense of "poor fellow." Related: Cretinism (1796).'
@Dinkenfunkle Hmmm, if you're now becoming the kind of meta-woke [haha, noice] post-woke snowflake who unduly worries about a perceived meanness of still wielding the #RWNJ descriptor, i humbly offer you a range of synonyms for your consideration & deployment.
#arsehole #cretin #dickhead #flatearther #mouthbreather #knuckledragger #hatefilledmonster #ethicsfreezone #protonazi #neonazi #racist #homophobe #transphobe #misogynist
I have more, but the ink in my pen just ran out [so now i need to go chase it].
#rwnj #arsehole #cretin #dickhead #flatearther #mouthbreather #knuckledragger #hatefilledmonster #ethicsfreezone #protonazi #neonazi #racist #homophobe #transphobe #misogynist
On this #memorialday, I present a flashback. Who remembers this?
#memorialday #treasonous #cretin #biden
That #cretin #mccarthy is nothing like what it says on his tin, because his tin has nothing to say. Advantageous for him that he can’t break any of his implicit promises. Terrible for the rest of us that he is a power-hungry #narcissistic #sycophant who will destroy every principle, office, and institution that becomes even mildly inconvenient. I hope his lack of a leg to stand on hobbles his entire (and, I pray, exceedingly brief) tenure.
#cretin #mccarthy #narcissistic #sycophant
Nucléaire civil = technologie duale 🚨
Humour de 💩, "la France ne manque pas là aussi de faire du transfert de technologie"
#nucléairenonmerci #nucleaire #technologie #RépubliquePopulairedeChine #transfert #déclaration #football #coupedumonde #France #humour #nucléairecivil #président #Chine #abruti #crétin #irresponsable #EmmanuelMacron #collabo #trahison #Élysée #corrompu
Déclaration conjointe avec XI Jinping, "Président" de la République populaire de Chine
25 mars 2019
#nucleairenonmerci #nucleaire #technologie #republiquepopulairedechine #transfert #declaration #football #coupedumonde #france #humour #nucleairecivil #president #Chine #abruti #cretin #irresponsable #emmanuelmacron #collabo #trahison #elysee #corrompu
https://www.lexpress.fr/actualites/1/politique/revolution-culturelle-macron-multiplie-les-references-aux-maoistes_1885713.html?__twitter_impression=true 2017
Entre "révolution culturelle" et "longue marche", #EmmanuelMacron multiplie les références surprenantes à la #Chine communiste, au point de se qualifier de "maoïste" au nom de la supposée efficacité de son mouvement.
#LaRépubliqueEnMarche #France #PartiCommunisteChinois #MaoZedong #dictature #culture #révolution #abruti #collaboration #criminel #Allemagne #CommissionEuropéenne #Russie #communisme #communiste #fasciste #fascisme #crétin #CORONAVIRUSFRANCE #satanistes
#emmanuelmacron #Chine #larepubliqueenmarche #france #particommunistechinois #maozedong #dictature #culture #revolution #abruti #Collaboration #criminel #allemagne #commissioneuropeenne #russie #communisme #communiste #fasciste #fascisme #cretin #CORONAVIRUSFRANCE #satanistes
Samstag, 5. November 2022
#uhlenspiegel 2623:
Elon Musk, Schwachkopf
dumbhead idiot cretin imbecile dimwit half-wit nitwit moron thickie loggerhead jackass chump dunderhead dullard meathead
imbécile idiot crétin demi-esprit épais caouanne
#schwachkopf #idiot #cretin #dumbhead #meathead #dimwit #imbecile #moron #thickie #chump #dullard #épais #caouanne
#daleilama #buddha #buddhismus #buddhist #buddhistquotes #buddhistwisdom
#uhlenspiegel #Schwachkopf #idiot #cretin #dumbhead #meathead #dimwit #imbecile #moron #thickie #chump #dullard #epais #caouanne #daleilama #buddha #buddhismus #buddhist #buddhistquotes #buddhistwisdom #konfuzius #konfuziussagt #confucius #confuciusquotes
RT @LalobaRose@twitter.com
@DidierMaisto@twitter.com Quel esprit binaire ce Laurent Alexandre, soi-disant scientifique ! Parce qu'on défend la paix et le non alignement pour eux on est systématiquement pour Poutine
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LalobaRose/status/1570424266239385600
RT @MisterCoolos@twitter.com
Pinèze, toi, je jour de la distribution de la bêtise, il ne fait aucun doute que tu étais au premier rang... #Crétin https://twitter.com/RafikSmati/status/1568111667115954178
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MisterCoolos/status/1568164793395167235
@PierreCol @LaurentChemla @loran42o@mastodon.xyz
Note pour à moi même pour plus tard : quand on démonte les robinets du réservoir et qu'on ne remet qu'un litre d'essence pour vérifier que ça ne fuit pas, on se met sur la réserve, c'est con mais comme ça le moteur fonctionne... #Cretin \o/ #Mamie #Serie7
ah oui qd mm #cretin
Quand la remise du premier Ballon d'or féminin de l'Histoire vire au sexisme via @franceinter https://www.franceinter.fr/sports/quand-la-remise-du-premier-ballon-d-or-feminin-tourne-au-sexisme