#IDMastodaon #NeuroCovid MedSky🧪The more I learned about #SARScoV2🦠 and their destructive doing to the host immunity , the more further distance away that i keep from the crowd & 😷would never leave my face .Especially in the wakes of Eris and Pirola .#CovidIsNotOver . An increasing number of reports suggest an association between #SarsCoV2 infection and initiation or acceleration of #neurodegenerativediseases ( #Alzheimersdisease & #CreutzfeldtJakobdisease )
#idmastodaon #neurocovid #SarsCoV2 #CovidIsNotOver #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #alzheimersdisease #creutzfeldtjakobdisease