Stefanie Neumann · @KokopelliBFree
67 followers · 373 posts · Server

2022-12-30 & 31

The rays of the sun shone through the making the light dance on the surface of a puddle.

She loved these moments of beauty showing up like a miracle in places where you'd least expect them.

She took another deep breath and braced herself for the storm to come.

#mastoprompt #last #crevice

Last updated 2 years ago

Brett Kosinski · @brettk
30 followers · 186 posts · Server

Approaching the headwall he saw the feature which gave this hike its name: the entrance to a massive crack in the stone.

Entering the he saw a band of blue sky above, a rill of water trickling past his feet below.

This place was its own world, of cool water and moss and granite. He watched as a dragonfly flitted past. “Hello!” he shouted, listening to his voice echo off the sheer walls.

“Hello!” a voice answered back. A voice not his own.


#MastoPrompt #crevice

Last updated 2 years ago

Trebach · @trebach
192 followers · 938 posts · Server

I reached into the
Pulled out a bit of plastic
And muttered underneath my breath
"This is just fantastic"
I tried to move some drives around
To rearrange my kit
When I unplugged the SATA cable
Part of the drive came with it
So I bought an adapter
To make it work like new
But when I pulled the cable out
The same keyed bit came too
I fished out the plastic bit
Cut the cable in two
Got myself a new cable
And attached it with hot glue

#crevice #mastoprompt #poetry #smallpoems

Last updated 2 years ago

Tanweer Dar (Tan) · @tanweerdar
720 followers · 1357 posts · Server

I watched it scuttle away and crawl inside a , and I wondered, what was it thinking? Did it even 'think' as humans understood thinking?

#MicroFiction #SmallStories #MastoPrompt #crevice

Last updated 2 years ago

lastrobot · @lastrobot
573 followers · 506 posts · Server

toe, crevice, toe
slip knee
hip fall
arm sprawl
body boulder
twig snap
rock rude
a great shush
a roar
a harrow
single misstep
and you, too
can be prostrate
foot of a mountain

#amwriting #micropoetry #poem #crevice #MastoPrompt #poetry

Last updated 2 years ago

TheShellyTea · @TheShellyTea
397 followers · 31 posts · Server

I miss
the hand
that held me
in the crevice
But my
folded limbs
grew long
and scraped
the rocks
And glimpses
the dark
were never

#crevice #poetry #MastoPrompt

Last updated 2 years ago

Steven Cudahy · @stevencudahy
200 followers · 499 posts · Server

We couldn't think from where the spiders
came to dusty-web us. Ignored the
as too small, too slight, unthreatening.
We worked around, across, while it grew wider,

weather worn, time worn, it soon amassed
a gloomy depth. Our reach became too little
to bridge it. We lost our shared centre,
lost sight of who we were across that crevasse.

Thanks @tanweerdar

(Apologies, I couldn't resist the wordplay.)

#MastoPrompt #writing #poetry #crevice

Last updated 2 years ago

Eryn McConnell · @ErynMcConnell
385 followers · 1062 posts · Server

One beam of light
A break in the expanse
A chink in the armour
Showing the way in
A map with an arrow
Pointing to my darkest
My flaws, my breaks
Hiding in the crevices
Out of sight

Photography by Riaad Algarei

#MastoPrompt #crevice #poetry

Last updated 2 years ago

Laura Manach :bongoCat: · @cmconseils
730 followers · 1134 posts · Server

In a crevice of my heart,
Where the light can never reach,
Lies a sadness that I can't impart,
A melancholy that I can't beseech.

I try to hide it, I try to run,
But it follows me wherever I go,
It's a burden that weighs a ton,
A sorrow that I cannot show.

The crevice in my mind,
A place of endless night,
Where all my hopes and dreams,
Are lost without a fight.

#smallpoems #poetry #crevice #MastoPrompt #PoetryPrompt

Last updated 2 years ago

Tee · @Tee
432 followers · 275 posts · Server

Goodness knows I've tried, but the constant effort that is never reciprocated or appreciated is really exhausting. But I couldn't give up on him.

I wouldn't

All we seemed to do is quarrel and it only took the slightest thing to set him off. I felt like I was walking on eggshells, unsure what mood I would be confronted with, the slightest look triggering an outburst that was often vitriolic and soul destroying.

I knew something wasn't right, my instincts were usually quite intuitive. Every time I peeked into the crevice, all I could see was someone cowering in the shadows. His Dad was long gone, a deadbeat who'd left his mother and had zero interest in being involved in his life.

I stepped into that role, after I fell in love with his mother and I vowed that I would be his biggest ally, no matter the emotional toll that it would take on me. I tried to shelter his mum, protect her as she'd had a tumultuous life and deserved to be loved and cared for. But she was broken, barely keeping it together.

He'd fallen in with a bad crew, and I knew that if could break this we'd have a chance. Little did I know that it would be me he would come to in his time of need.

One night, I waited until the early hours when he finally arrived home. Usually, he'd ignore me but this night he sat down in the couch. His eyes were red and puffy.

Out of nowhere he burst into tears.

"I need help. I can't do this anymore."

#MastoPrompt #microfiction #writingcommunity #crevice

Last updated 2 years ago

ChefAleks · @ChefAleks
95 followers · 252 posts · Server

in the crevices of my mind
there is something I was supposed to remember
staring at the cracks and crevices of my hands
I recall crevices
I have quietly slipped into
Fissures I could have avoided
Cracks I should have filled
I wander, wondering, what was it?
As I slip,
and fall into the depth
I remember,
it was a crevasse, not a crevice.

#crevice #MastoPrompt #smallpoems

Last updated 2 years ago

Swan song · @Swan
794 followers · 179 posts · Server

The crevice of a furrowed brow,
earned from deep concern.
Wondering how to make ends meet,
concerned to little earned.
Force a smile on Christmas Day,
a shield from jack frost.
A smile to hide the hidden cost,
to hide the magic lost.
With Christmas done, the fun begun,
checking crevices for cash.
We made our choice to have our fun,
and would not take it back.
It’s fair to say we had to choose,
because choosing what we do.
Not enough and this or that,
is really nothing new.
We do our best, we’ve done our best,
that is just our way.
But so much for a smiling day,
seems a lot to pay.

For more follow @Swan
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#crevices #poetry #poem #MastoPrompt #crevice

Last updated 2 years ago

Dwinle · @Dwinle
191 followers · 2730 posts · Server

You lying there
Wonderfully so
Innocent as you languish
Tantalising so
Beguiling as you move
Provocatively so
Catching the light as you move
And I falling
Enraptured so
Encaptured as we move

#MastoPrompt #poem #poetry #crevice

Last updated 2 years ago

Christina Tyson · @Kiwityson
43 followers · 29 posts · Server

Left leg, right leg.
Left leg, right leg.
Hopping from one side of the broken pavement to the other, a frown of concentration etched into his five-year-old forehead.

Left leg, right leg.
This was serious stuff.
After all, if he got this wrong, if he didn’t avoid the crevice in the concrete, the quiet would stop and the bombs would fall again.

Because war doesn’t happen for no good reason.

📷 Ahmed Zalabany/Unsplash

#microfiction #MastoPrompt #crevice #peaceforukraine

Last updated 2 years ago

Tanweer Dar (Tan) · @tanweerdar
720 followers · 1357 posts · Server

The for Friday 30th December is:

The poem or story can include the prompt word or be about the prompt word.

#SmallStories #MicroFiction #Poetry #smallpoems #crevice #MastoPrompt

Last updated 2 years ago

@Om* · @atomjack
1255 followers · 13282 posts · Server

you come to tha wrong hood...

#crab #sup #crevice #animatedgif

Last updated 7 years ago

@Om* · @atomjack
1277 followers · 13323 posts · Server

you come to tha wrong hood...

#crab #sup #crevice #animatedgif

Last updated 7 years ago

@Om · @atomjack604
201 followers · 3597 posts · Server

you come to tha wrong hood...

#crab #crevice #sup #animatedgif

Last updated 7 years ago