#CronacadiNapoli #UltimeNotizie #carabinieri #crick Sant’Antonio Abate, ferisce con un crick un uomo che minaccia la nipote: arrestato 63enne https://www.cronachedellacampania.it/2023/05/santantonio-abate-crick/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#cronacadinapoli #Ultimenotizie #carabinieri #crick
#a #atrac #attracts #aiwasca
#onmedia #medi #midy #wolf #crick #squeeze #float #safet #tof #false #fuse #sweeps #sau #manjaro #linuz #vivian #greencell #poof #crt19 #fcx19xx #try
#a #atrac #attracts #aiwasca #onmedia #medi #midy #wolf #crick #squeeze #float #safet #tof #false #fuse #sweeps #sau #manjaro #linuz #vivian #greencell #poof #crt19 #fcx19xx #TRY
Today marks the 70th anniversary of the article published by Francis Crick and James Watson on the double helix structure of DNA. A one-page article that vastly changed the way we see the world
#ADN #genetics #biology #Crick #Watson #doublehelix #physics #hist #sci #histsci
Link: https://www.nature.com/scitable/content/Molecular-Structure-of-Nucleic-Acids-16331/
#adn #genetics #biology #crick #watson #doublehelix #physics #hist #sci #histsci
Sunrise above #ClearCreek and the #IowaRiver in #Coralville, Iowa.
#sunrise #sunrisephotography #morning #river #creek #crick #sky #SkyPhotography #landscape #landscapephotography #bridges #nature #NaturePhotography #NatureMastodon #MastoArt #photography #AltText
#clearcreek #iowariver #coralville #sunrise #sunrisephotography #morning #river #creek #crick #sky #skyphotography #landscape #landscapephotography #bridges #nature #naturephotography #naturemastodon #MastoArt #photography #alttext
So far, all is calm and quiet. #photography #christmaseve #caturday #stream #creek #crick #pennsylvania
#photography #christmaseve #caturday #stream #creek #crick #pennsylvania
#RosalindFranklin payed a large contribution on the discovering of #DNA #double_helix, but #watson and #crick got a #nobelprize
#nobelprize #crick #watson #double_helix #dna #rosalindfranklin
#RosalindFranklin « s’éteint […] quatre ans
avant l’attribution du #PrixNobel à #Watson, #Crick et #Wilkins, qui ne lui rendent pas l’hommage qu’elle méritait lors du discours du #Nobel ! »
Et après on dit qu’un #PrixNobel sert surtout à faire des porte-paroles… v’là la parole…
Et en plus « ce qui semble
bien établi, c’est que M. #Wilkins montrera à J. #Watson […] les très beaux clichés
de rayons X obtenus par #Rosalind, à son insu. »
#adn #rosalindfranklin #prixnobel #watson #crick #wilkins #nobel #rosalind