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#cricket #CricketMastodon #ODI #ENGvSL #photography #birds #butterflies
A brief look at today's ODI between England and Sri Lanka women's teams and a photo gallery.
#butterflies #birds #photography #engvsl #ODI #cricketmastodon #cricket
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#cricket #CricketMastodon #Auctions #Photography #SportingMemorabilia #birds #insects #butterflies #spiders
An all time XI of players who share their names with colours, leading up to an auction announcement, and capped off with a large photo gallery.
#spiders #butterflies #insects #birds #sportingmemorabilia #photography #auctions #cricketmastodon #cricket #blog
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#cricket #CricketMastodon #CountyChampionship #SurreybvWarwickshire #EssexvMiddlesex #photography #birds #moorhens #insects #butterflies #ladybirds
A look at Surrey's thrashing of Warwickshire, a mention of the state of play between Essex and Middlesex and a photo gallery.
#ladybirds #butterflies #insects #moorhens #birds #photography #essexvmiddlesex #surreybvwarwickshire #countychampionship #cricketmastodon #cricket #blog
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#cricket #CricketMastodon #CountyChampionship #Photography #Birds #Insects #Butterflies
A look at developments in the Surrey v Warwickshire game and a photo gallery.
#butterflies #insects #birds #photography #countychampionship #cricketmastodon #cricket #blog
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#cricket #CricketMastodon #AllTimeXIs #Photography #Birds #Insects #Butterflies #ShieldBugs
An all time XI showcasing the immense cricketing talent to emerge from the tiny coral island of #Barbados down the years and a large photo gallery.
#barbados #shieldbugs #butterflies #insects #birds #photography #alltimexis #cricketmastodon #cricket #blog
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#cricket #CricketMastodon #AllTimeXIs #LondonUnderground #photography #birds #insects #butterflies
An all time XI all of whose players share a name with a defunct London underground station and a large photo gallery.
#butterflies #insects #birds #photography #londonunderground #alltimexis #cricketmastodon #cricket #blog
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#cricket #CricketMastodon #OneDayCup #Photography #Birds #Insects #Bees #Beetles #Butterflies
A look at the semi-finals of the One Day Cup which happened yesterday, and a large photo gallery.
#butterflies #beetles #bees #insects #birds #photography #onedaycup #cricketmastodon #cricket #blog
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#cricket #CricketMastodon #TheHundred #Photography #Birds #Egret #Insects #Butterflies A look back at yesterday's finals of The Hundred and a huge photo gallery.
#butterflies #insects #egret #birds #photography #thehundred #cricketmastodon #cricket #blog
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#cricket #CricketMastodon #TheHundred #photography #birds #insects #Butterflies
A look at developments in The Hundred finals weekend so far plus a photo gallery.
#butterflies #insects #birds #photography #thehundred #cricketmastodon #cricket #blog
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#cricket #CricketMastodon #OneDayCup #GloucetsershirevLancashire #photography #birds #insects #butterflies #bees
A look back at Gloucestershire's win over Lancashire yesterday, some links and a huge photo gallery.
#bees #butterflies #insects #birds #photography #gloucetsershirevlancashire #onedaycup #cricketmastodon #cricket #blog
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#cricket #CricketMastodon #Photography #Birds #Insects #Butterflies
A quirky all time XIs post in which I pick an England XI whose players span the whole of England's international cricketing history, and a large photo gallery.
#butterflies #insects #birds #photography #cricketmastodon #cricket #blog
New on my #blog:
Links to and additional comments on (plus one change in the case of the Xs) to my U, V, W and X XIs, produced this time last year. The Xs, produced OTD last year, have a change, Xara Jetly displacing MaX Waller.
#Cricket #CricketMastodon #Photography #Birds #Insects #Bees #Butterflies
#butterflies #bees #insects #birds #photography #cricketmastodon #cricket #blog
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A revisit to my all time Ts XI, produced on this day last year, with some extra comment.
#Cricket #CricketMastodon
The original post is here:
Please read both posts before commenting on my selections, but the XI in batting order is: *MA Taylor, VT Trumper, FA Tarrant, SR Tendulkar, GP Thorpe, LRPL Taylor, +RW Taylor, H Trumble, FH Tyson, FS Trueman, JR Thomson.
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#cricket #CricketMastodon #WomensCricket #Photography #Birds #Swans #Cormorants #Insects #Bees #Beetles #Butterflies
Some brief thoughts on the England women's squads for the upcoming series against Sri Lanka and a large photo gallery.
#butterflies #beetles #bees #insects #cormorants #swans #birds #photography #Womenscricket #cricketmastodon #cricket #blog
New on my #blog:
#cricket #CricketMastodon #photography #Birds #Insects #Butterflies #Bees #Wasps
A look back at my all time R and S XIs, with comments on developments in the last 12 month that suggest alterations, and a large photo gallery.
#wasps #bees #butterflies #insects #birds #photography #cricketmastodon #cricket #blog
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#cricket #CricketMastodon #AllTimeXIs #Photography #Insects #Dragonflies #Damselflies #Butterflies #Bees #Birds
A quirky XI comprising four pairs and one threesome of players who share names but not much else, plus a photo gallery.
#birds #bees #butterflies #damselflies #dragonflies #insects #photography #alltimexis #cricketmastodon #cricket #blog
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#cricket #CricketMastodon #TheHundred #AllTimeXIs #TheLetterP #LeftHanders #InternationalLeftHandersDay #Photography #Birds #Insects #Butterflies #beetles
A look back at the two contrasting halves of the Welsh Fire - Southern Brave double header yesterday and a revisit to my All Tine Ps XI, which because of the date comes with a bonus feature of an all time left handed XI.
#beetles #butterflies #insects #birds #photography #internationallefthandersday #LeftHanders #theletterp #alltimexis #thehundred #cricketmastodon #cricket #blog
New on my #blog:
One year on from publishing my all time XI of players whose surnames begin with M I produce a second XI from the riches offered by that letter to do battle with them - and I reckon it would be closer than either #WARvGLO earlier today or the current #OrignalsvPhoenix match.
#cricket #CricketMastodon #photography #birds #insects #bees #beetles #butterflies
#butterflies #beetles #bees #insects #birds #photography #cricketmastodon #cricket #orignalsvphoenix #warvglo #blog
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#cricket #CricketMastodon #AllTimeXIs #SherlockHolmes #Photography #Birds #Insects #Bees #Butterflies #Beetles #Pollinators
An all time XI of players who can be connected to Sherlock Holmes Stories and a large photo gallery.
#pollinators #beetles #butterflies #bees #insects #birds #photography #sherlockholmes #alltimexis #cricketmastodon #cricket #blog
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#cricket #CricketMastodon #TestCricket #ENGvAUS #Ashes #MAshes #banknotes #photography #bees #beetles #butterflies #birds #insects
A look back at the conclusion to an amazing Ashes summer, a mention of a massively successful banknote auction and one of my regular photo galleries.
#insects #birds #butterflies #beetles #bees #photography #banknotes #mashes #ashes #engvaus #TestCricket #cricketmastodon #cricket #blog