Last night’s #SuperBlueMoon shining through a mighty #OakTree as the #Crickets serenade potential mates and dogs sing the song of their people.
#superbluemoon #oaktree #crickets #fullmoon #supermoon #bluemoon #fullmooninpisces
In case you wondered what 51 decibels of crickets sounds like, central oregon has you covered
# oregon
Un #riccio in #fattoria #ottoprati ci fa visita notturna
#hedgehog #love #animals #asmr #nature #goodnight #porcospino #animal #crickets #cicadas
#Riccio #fattoria #ottoprati #hedgehog #love #animals #asmr #nature #goodnight #porcospino #animal #crickets #cicadas
I'm already on #Session, which is a fork of Signal that doesn't require my phone number.
Here's the punchline, though: I have zero expectation of talking to anyone on these services! Based on past experience, the chance of my friends installing something just to talk to me is about the same as a whelk's chance in a supernova. #crickets
So the whole thing is a bit of a joke.
More playing with #sound tonight. For #AnimalHour, you get #crickets (amplified a bit).
New bush-cricket from Tanzania just sung its song:
Dioncomena flavoviridis
#science #OA #openaccess #biology #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #invertebrates #entomology #insects #orthoptera #cricket #crickets #tanzania
#NewSpecies #deutscheentomologischezeitschrift #fairdata #science #oa #openaccess #biology #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #invertebrates #entomology #insects #Orthoptera #cricket #crickets #tanzania
@rsmon77 Intersecting planes?! so a line then? #Crickets #AngryStares #iWasToldThereDbeNoMath #MondayActionMovie
#mondayactionmovie #iwastoldtheredbenomath #angrystares #crickets
Sitting inside with the windows open for some evening air, I was preparing a few documents. And then I suddenly realize I'm hearing #crickets. Such a magical sound.
And in response, I got ... #crickets.
I did not even receive an acknowledgement that they received my emails, despite knowing they did receive them.
So... if you've ever filled a prescription at Shoppers, or possibly even just received a #vaccine there, be aware that anyone who can guess which location you deal with and knows your #name and #phone number, can create a web #account attached to your medical files at Shoppers.
#crickets #vaccine #name #phone #account
#ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #Toronto #Canada
A Mother (Tiffany Leigh - a #Food Writer) Is Feeding Her Baby #Crickets And Says She Plans On Adding #Worms, #Grasshoppers And #Ants To Her Baby’s Meals
#climatechange #globalwarming #toronto #canada #food #crickets #Worms #grasshoppers #ants
LOL on some woman trying to get Mormon #crickets off her house with a leaf blower.
I saw this, and had visions of eager young insects in white shirts and black ties coming to the door and knocking, asking, "Have you heard about the Book of Mormon"? #crickets
@gsuberland Oh, how shellfish! #Crickets #AngryStares (sorry warming up for #BMovieManiacs )
#BMovieManiacs #angrystares #crickets