Going to work between Xmas and the new year everything's like a ghost town no one calls the office and you get stuff done!! Won't be like this next time I'm here #crimbolimbo
As many of us continue to make the most of a Christmas break, spare a thought for the parliamentarians of 1720 who #OTD were called back to Parliament because of a financial crisis. Talk about #CrimboLimbo!
This blog explains all...
#Histodons #Parliament #Christmas
#christmas #parliament #histodons #crimbolimbo #otd
Ah the lull between Christmas and New Year where many people are on holidays or their workplace closed. What’s your favourite term for this time of year?
#whatdayisit #betwixtmas #merryneum #twixtmas #crimbolimbo
if you're stuck in Crimbo Limbo and don't even know what day it is we've got a Never Ending Playlist on YouTube, full of the good stuff to wake you up ...
#CrimboLimbo #CrimboLimbo2022 #WhatDayIsIt #YouTubePlaylist #NeverEndingPlaylist #OnlyTheGoodStuff #Masto_Music #Music
#crimbolimbo #crimbolimbo2022 #whatdayisit #youtubeplaylist #neverendingplaylist #onlythegoodstuff #masto_music #music
Ach, maybe it's because it's #CrimboLimbo now but I've been thinking of all the musicians I've known over the last forty years who were way more talented than me who just never made it.
Now, some of them are happy and chose other paths. But others.. well, the music biz is a cesspit. I've known too many it's destroyed.
If I could magically compile an album of these artists... maaan, it would be the Best Album Ever. <3
For all those wondering, the official UN definition of this timeless, mealless period between Christmas and New Year is:
Too full of strange cheeses? Sick of chocolate? Eyes scarred from satsuma squirts?
Time alternately stretching like toffee and compressing like neutronium? Ready to slash the tyres of your Racist Uncle?
Trying to fit under a breadstick to the mellifluous tones of Goombay Dance Band?