@rahmstorf I used to think this would not be in my lifetime and by generating our own power, having own water supply and growing our own food, my family & I would be able to eke out a reasonable life if we were somehow able to keep what we’d built for ourselves. All seems increasingly unlikely. #climateanxiety #crimeagainsthumanity
#climateanxiety #crimeagainsthumanity
@aral Actually, resisters of injustice and exploitation are usually nice people - just not to those who look the other way to whom they are also a nuisance/interfering/…. Think @juststop_oil- they’re the most wonderfully nice people - thoughtful, considerate, non-violent. They are, however, disruptive of “business as usual” and all that entails: #crimeagainsthumanity
Over the past year, Saudi border guards have slaughtered hundreds of migrants in cold blood, mostly women and children fleeing famine in Ethiopia.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #massacre #immigration #SaudiArabia #CrimeAgainstHumanity #ethiopia #women #children
#workingclass #LaborHistory #massacre #immigration #saudiarabia #crimeagainsthumanity #ethiopia #women #children
However you dress it up, the Iraq war was, under international law, an illegal act of aggression against a sovereign state. It constituted a #WarCrime and a #CrimeAgainstHumanity. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of innocent people have paid with their lives or suffered unbelievable hardship as a direct result of that act of aggression!
Those who perpetrated that aggression in the name of democracy & the ending of a vile dictatorship, like #TonyBlair and #AlastairCampbell in the #UK, are guilty of War Crimes yet they remain free men: #Blair to earn £millions from advising various sordid dictatorships like Saudi Arabia; #Campbell to be feted on the #BBC state broadcaster & various other #CorporateMedia talk shows!
Conversely, #Wikileaks founder Julian #Assange, who exposed many of those heinous crimes, has been rotting away in isolation for years in #Britain’s top security Belmarsh prison & awaits possible extradition to the #US Imperium where he will likely be imprisoned & tortured for the rest of his days!
In this short but excellent @DoubleDownNews episode, Stop The War Coalition’s (#STWC) Lindsey German asks “What kind of world rewards war criminals & imprisons those who tell the truth?” She discusses the legacy of the Iraq War & makes a strong case for putting Blair (and other Iraq war criminals) in jail instead of Assange! https://youtu.be/YudeIkDaTRA
#warcrime #crimeagainsthumanity #tonyblair #AlastairCampbell #uk #blair #campbell #bbc #corporatemedia #wikileaks #assange #britain #us #stwc
@MichaelEMann @CBCNews @public_affairs @hachettebooks Anthropomorphic climate heating is already having a devastating effect in Africa. Those suffering are not responsible we are - especially Europe and North America. We started polluting earlier and we continue to pollute at home as well as outsource much of our polluting consumption to China. Our Governments continue to encourage our greed whilst neglecting our needs. #CrimeAgainstHumanity
'Dark day' in UK as illegal migration bill passes parliament
Even Former PM Theresa May told the UK parliament the bill would “consign more people to slavery” as it passed through both houses.
#UK #humanrights #internationallaw #crimeagainsthumanity #slavery #discrimination #racism #lowwagescapegoats #abuse #antiasylum #MSF #Greece
#uk #humanrights #internationallaw #crimeagainsthumanity #slavery #discrimination #racism #lowwagescapegoats #abuse #antiasylum #msf #greece
#StolenChildren is a #CrimeAgainstHumanity.
It needs to be stopped in #Ukraine now, with the responsible #Russians prosecuted.
But #TruthAndReconciliation needs to be pursued in other places where the crime has been perpetrated in the past; such as the USA, Canada, and Australia. 👉 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stolen_Generations
#stolenchildren #crimeagainsthumanity #ukraine #russians #truthandreconciliation #histodons
More on #capitalism being a #crimeagainsthumanity
#capitalism #crimeagainsthumanity
Oh, surprise, sur-fucking-prise #carbon #greenhouse
#Capitalism is a #crimeagainsthumanity
#carbon #greenhouse #capitalism #crimeagainsthumanity
#Pride Month 2023: Erasing #LGBTQI+ people is a #crimeagainsthumanity
#pride #lgbtqi #crimeagainsthumanity
#Afghan #women say underground gyms provide a lifeline as #Taliban further limit their freedoms https://www.context.news/money-power-people/afghan-women-defy-taliban-gym-ban-with-secret-fitness-clubs
The #UnitedNations says the Islamist group's treatment of women could amount to a #CrimeAgainstHumanity
#afghan #women #taliban #unitednations #crimeagainsthumanity
#Afghan #women say underground gyms provide a lifeline as #Taliban further limit their freedoms https://www.context.news/money-power-people/afghan-women-defy-taliban-gym-ban-with-secret-fitness-clubs
The #UnitedNations says the Islamist group's treatment of women could amount to a #CrimeAgainstHumanity
#afghan #women #taliban #UnitedNations #crimeagainsthumanity
Good work Mark Zuckerberg. 🤬
#HumanRights #Persecution #CrimeAgainstHumanity #FuckZuck #DeleteFacebook
#deletefacebook #fuckzuck #crimeagainsthumanity #persecution #humanrights
#Israel’s #Liberal Supporters Take Denial to New Level
The occupation of #Gaza and the #WestBank that began in 1967 has been nothing less than an ongoing, large-scale #crimeagainsthumanity, writes Norman Solomon.
#israel #liberal #gaza #westbank #crimeagainsthumanity
RT @Bijan63
Khalkhal, Shahriar, Fuladshahr, Gonbadkavos, Ramhormoz, Abadan, Bushehr, Yazd & Neishabur.
Alleen al vandaag zijn leerlingen v tientallen scholen in 19 steden vergiftigd door het Iraanse criminele regime. #SaveIranianSchoolgirls #ChemicalAttacksOnSchools
#crimeagainsthumanity #chemicalattacksonschools #saveiranianschoolgirls
More Woody Harrelson on Bill Maher. I’ve known Woody for 25 years. He, like Novak Djokovic, knows the genocidal action plans of big pharma and the endless war machine scam. (90 seconds)
Yep. Billions of $$$ was made at the expense of people’s lives.
Please follow my channel https://t.me/crimesagainsthumanity2021 on telegram.
More Woody Harrelson on Bill Maher. I’ve known Woody for 25 years. He, like Novak Djokovic, knows the genocidal action plans of big pharma and the endless war machine scam. (90 seconds)
Yep. Billions of $$$ was made at the expense of people’s lives.
.@HRW: UK & EU should investigate & sanction rather than meet with the governor of Xinjiang, where #CrimeAgainstHumanity are rampant. #ErninTuniyaz has been a top #CCP official in Xinjiang throughout the worst period of the crimes committed by the #CCP. https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/02/10/uk/eu-investigate-sanction-visiting-xinjiang-official https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hkdc_us/status/1623998910455771136#m
#crimeagainsthumanity #ernintuniyaz #ccp
Tu regardes le sujet d’Arte sur l’énergie nucléaire et tu te demandes, encore une fois, comment les USA ont pu s’en sortir sans conséquences après la commission de ces deux crimes contre l’humanité que furent Hiroshima et Nagasaki.
"Je suis devenu la mort, le destructeur des mondes.”
J. Robert Oppenheimer
#nagasaki #hiroshima #crimeagainsthumanity #nucleaire
Tu regardes le sujet d’Arte sur l’énergie nucléaire et tu te demandes, encore une fois, comment les USA ont pu s’en sortir sans conséquences après la commission de ces deux crimes contre l’humanité que furent Hiroshima et Nagasaki.
"Je suis devenu la mort, le destructeur des mondes.”
J. Robert Oppenheimer
Source: https://quote-citation.com/fr/topic/citations-de-j-robert-oppenheimer
Source: https://quote-citation.com/fr/topic/citations-de-j-robert-oppenheimer
#nagasaki #hiroshima #crimeagainsthumanity #nucleaire