Silent Eli 🏔️ :flag_wbw: · @silenteli
45 followers · 573 posts · Server
Почему Cloudflare - это посос смачный.


Last updated 2 years ago

Remember , before reporting a Commonwealth crime to the (AFP) you should first send it to in the .

Here's the link to do that, lol.

The greatest irony is the first crime listed is "cybercrime, including online (…) and internet ".

Feel free to laugh. —

#Australians #australianfederalpolice #cloudflare #usa #fraud #scams #feelingsafer #afp #police #auspol #australia #crimeflare #crime #cybercrime

Last updated 2 years ago

HOW TO TEST your favourite sites for surveillance + other nasties.

1) In a new tab, hit Ctrl+Shift+E for the .

2) Load website.

3) Order fetched content in NetworkTab by then check each domain. Ensure that Server is not Cloudflare (or = = and MS ).

If its bad, make a BLOK bookmark, if good make ALOW bookmark. Date it (eg. feb'22) so after a year you can test it again.

#cloudflare #torbrowser #NetworkTab #domainname #AmazonS3 #Cloudfront #amz #azure #cloudflareTest #deCloudflare #crimeflare

Last updated 3 years ago

2/2 …can do something.

The addon is here:

Please consider contacting the at their issue creation site:

If many of us contact them, they may come to their senses and warn users a site is behind Cloudflare (and other like ). The global menace that is Cloudflare…


Please boost.

#blockCloudflare #TorDevs #dotcons #amazon #resist #crimeflare #BCMA #addon

Last updated 3 years ago

Aussie who want to ditch for the greater good can avoid the following websites:


If you can think of any other online stores in , please tell us and we'll test them for you.


CloudFlare : 100%
Non-cloudFlare : 0%

#gamers #cloudflare #videogames #australia #takingTheInternetPrivate #crimeflare

Last updated 3 years ago

Dear (and anti-bitcoiners),

Please be quiet. Stop talking about . Until you have the to start talking about the greatest attack on basic that our has ever seen, cheating people out of millions, shut your mouth and keep it shut.

When you start talking about , then we'll know you're serious.

Till then — zip it.

#mafia #extortion #honeypot #bitcoiners #bitcoin #humandecency #communication #civilisation #cloudflare #cloudflareIsTheMalware #crimeflare

Last updated 3 years ago

If someone were to bring down for one week, we will parade the streets to the tune of the song, .

…possibly topless.

Boost if you would join us.

#cloudflare #BarenakedLadies #OneWeek #dismantleCloudflareNow #monopoly #antitrust #crimeflare #cloudGlare #masssurveillance

Last updated 4 years ago

Tlacaelel (thenameless) 7.7 · @Tlacaelel
267 followers · 6148 posts · Server

On spamhaus, the infamous internet spam bot police authority, "Crime flare" urls top the spam list


Last updated 6 years ago