Почему Cloudflare - это посос смачный.
Remember #Australians, before reporting a Commonwealth crime to the #AustralianFederalPolice (AFP) you should first send it to #CloudFlare in the #USA.
Here's the link to do that, lol.
The greatest irony is the first crime listed is "cybercrime, including online #fraud (…) and internet #scams".
Feel free to laugh. — #feelingSafer
#AFP #police #auspol #australia #crimeFlare #crime #cyberCrime
#Australians #australianfederalpolice #cloudflare #usa #fraud #scams #feelingsafer #afp #police #auspol #australia #crimeflare #crime #cybercrime
HOW TO TEST your favourite sites for #CloudFlare surveillance + other nasties.
1) In a new #TorBrowser tab, hit Ctrl+Shift+E for the #NetworkTab.
2) Load website.
3) Order fetched content in NetworkTab by #domainName then check each domain. Ensure that Server is not Cloudflare (or #AmazonS3 = #CloudFront = #amz and MS #azure).
If its bad, make a BLOK bookmark, if good make ALOW bookmark. Date it (eg. feb'22) so after a year you can test it again.
#cloudflare #torbrowser #NetworkTab #domainname #AmazonS3 #Cloudfront #amz #azure #cloudflareTest #deCloudflare #crimeflare
Want a #DNS server that drops #CloudFlare domains?
We need more like this.
#DNSResolver #DNSServer #stopCloudFlare #crimeFlare #cloudFlareIsTheMalware #takingTheInternetPrivate
#dns #cloudflare #dnsresolver #dnsserver #StopCloudflare #crimeflare #cloudflareIsTheMalware #takingTheInternetPrivate
2/2 …can do something.
The #BlockCloudFlare addon is here:
Please consider contacting the #TorDevs at their issue creation site:
If many of us contact them, they may come to their senses and warn users a site is behind Cloudflare (and other #dotcons like #Amazon). The global menace that is Cloudflare…
Please boost.
#blockCloudflare #TorDevs #dotcons #amazon #resist #crimeflare #BCMA #addon
Aussie #gamers who want to ditch #cloudFlare for the greater good can avoid the following websites:
🚫 steampowered.com
🚫 ebgames.com.au
🚫 jbhifi.com.au
If you can think of any other online #videogames stores in #Australia, please tell us and we'll test them for you.
CloudFlare : 100%
Non-cloudFlare : 0%
#gamers #cloudflare #videogames #australia #takingTheInternetPrivate #crimeflare
DID YOU KNOW: The #EFF is a premier #CloudFlare Partner?
#whitewash #electronicFrontierFoundation #jobs #prOJEctgAliLeo #crimeFlare #takingTheInternetPrivate
#eff #cloudflare #whitewash #electronicfrontierfoundation #jobs #projectGalileo #crimeflare #takingTheInternetPrivate
Dear #Bitcoiners (and anti-bitcoiners),
Please be quiet. Stop talking about #bitcoin. Until you have the #humanDecency to start talking about the greatest attack on basic #communication that our #civilisation has ever seen, cheating people out of millions, shut your mouth and keep it shut.
When you start talking about #CloudFlare, then we'll know you're serious.
Till then — zip it.
#cloudflareIsTheMalware #crimeFlare #mafia #extortion #honeyPot
#mafia #extortion #honeypot #bitcoiners #bitcoin #humandecency #communication #civilisation #cloudflare #cloudflareIsTheMalware #crimeflare
HOW THE INTERNET STARTED: Anyone can connect to anyone.
HOW ITS GOING: Your anyone is #Cloudflare.
#cloudflareIsTheMalware #amazon #amazonAWS #crimeFlare #scamazon #theInternet #useI2P #useTor
#amazonaws #crimeflare #Scamazon #TheInternet #usei2p #usetor #cloudflare #cloudflareIsTheMalware #amazon
Only 40% of Australia's #universities go through Cloudflare…
#clownWorld #cyberThreat #cloudflareIsTheMalware #crimeFlare
#universities #clownworld #cyberthreat #cloudflareIsTheMalware #crimeflare
If someone were to bring down #Cloudflare for one week, we will parade the streets to the tune of the #BareNakedLadies song, #OneWeek.
…possibly topless.
Boost if you would join us.
#dismantleCloudflareNow #monopoly #antitrust #crimeFlare #cloudGlare #massSurveillance
#cloudflare #BarenakedLadies #OneWeek #dismantleCloudflareNow #monopoly #antitrust #crimeflare #cloudGlare #masssurveillance
On spamhaus, the infamous internet spam bot police authority, "Crime flare" urls top the spam list