Die Hauptrolle in den ersten Buechern von Alex #Beer war August Emmerich, Ermittler im #Wien 🇦🇹 nach WK I.
« Unter Woelfen », mit seinem Hauptdarsteller Isaak Rubinstein spielt waehrend WK II in #Nuernberg 🇩🇪.
Crime novels « Made in #Austria » … I like them. A lot. 📚🔫🔪🦹💣
#photography #FotoMontag #PhotoMonday #crimenovels #books #booklover
#booklover #Books #crimenovels #Photomonday #Fotomontag #Photography #austria #nuernberg #wien #Beer
#LabourHistory #Histodons #1930s #CrimeNovels
From our archives…
Partners in crime: labour historians in the golden age of detective fiction
#LabourHistory #histodons #1930s #crimenovels
Peter Marsh’s The Devil’s Daughter, published 1942. Unconventional noir with a femme fatale who doesn't fit the usual mould. A story of love and lust, of hate, of revenge and of suspicion and betrayal. Great stuff.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2023/08/peter-marshs-devils-daughter.html
#crimefiction #crimenovel #crimenovels #vintage crime #vintage mystery #vintage mysteries #noirfiction #noir
#crimefiction #crimenovel #crimenovels #vintage #noirfiction #noir
Always on the look out for #anarchist and #absurdfiction writers.
Lately I’ve been reading Samuel Beckett, Nabakov, and Octavia Butler.
Any you would recommend?
#Anarchist #absurdfiction #bookstodon #books #novels #crimenovels #scifi #Literature
August Derleth's Solar Pons stories are among the very few Sherlock Holmes pastiches actually worth reading. Well-crafted and very entertaining and they feel Sherlockian. Derleth doesn’t make the mistake of trying for a tongue-in-cheek flavour.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2015/03/august-derleths-return-of-solar-pons.html
#crimefiction #crimenovel #crimenovels #vintage crime #vintage mystery #vintage mysteries #AugustDerleth #SherlockHolmes
#crimefiction #crimenovel #crimenovels #vintage #augustderleth #sherlockholmes
The Green Ribbon is a 1929 Edgar Wallace thriller involving an ingenious horse-racing racket with a large and varied collection of villains. And an elaborate system of caves and tunnel, a classic Wallace touch. Top-tier Wallace. Great stuff.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2023/07/edgar-wallaces-green-ribbon.html
#crimefiction #crimenovel #crimenovels #vintage crime #vintage mystery #vintage mysteries #vintagethriller #vintagethrillers #EdgarWallace
#crimefiction #crimenovel #crimenovels #vintage #vintagethriller #vintagethrillers #edgarwallace
Mickey Spillane’s 1964 novel The Snake is a sequel to The Girl Hunters and you absolutely must read The Girl Hunters first. This is a very different Mike Hammer - older, wiser and sadder. Both books are great, but read the earlier books first.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2023/06/mickey-spillanes-snake.html
#crimenovel #crimenovels #crimefiction #vintagecrime #vintagemysteries #vintagemystery #MickeySpillane #MikeHammer #hardboiled #hardboiledfiction #privateeyes
#crimenovel #crimenovels #crimefiction #vintagecrime #vintagemysteries #vintagemystery #mickeyspillane #mikehammer #hardboiled #hardboiledfiction #privateeyes
Currently listening to the latest Dale's detective agency book by Julia Chapman on the borrowbox app. Love that series! I think someone on here had recommended it actually 🤔. Anyways, get it from your local library (app) now!
#bookstodon #CrimeNovels #books #DetectiveNovels #audiobook #BorrowBox #library
#library #BorrowBox #audiobook #DetectiveNovels #books #crimenovels #bookstodon
Sin Pit (1954) is Paul S. Meskil’s only novel. It's seriously hardboiled, most definitely noir and pretty sleazy. This is the seamy underside of 1950s America. A cynical cop gets drawn into a nightmare world of lust. Excellent book.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2023/06/paul-s-meskils-sin-pit.html
#crimenovel #crimenovels #crimefiction #hardboiledfiction #hardboiled #noir #noirfiction
#crimenovel #crimenovels #crimefiction #hardboiledfiction #hardboiled #noir #noirfiction
I really enjoy reading #detectivenovels, #crimenovels as escapism but I am heartily sick of detectives with their ‘own dark secrets’ or personal turmoil etc, which, when over-laboured gets in the way of the actual detective story (and sometimes means they behave in really stupid ways). I want them to be human, but I also want the focus to be on the ‘crime’ and detecting not on their personal angst! #readingnovels
#detectivenovels #crimenovels #readingnovels
OMG! Got my copy today & will start 2-night! 🎉 Thank you, @Comey, for joining the #WritingCommunity. 🎉📚🎉 Hope you keep writing. ☺️ #ReadingCommunity #AmReading #Reading #CrimeNovels #IntrigueNovels #SuspenseNovels #LegalNovels #Fiction #JamesComey #Comey
Check out this book on Goodreads: Central Park West https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62699619-central-park-west
#WritingCommunity #ReadingCommunity #amreading #reading #crimenovels #intriguenovels #suspensenovels #legalnovels #fiction #jamescomey #comey
Leslie Charteris's The Saint Goes West, a 1942 collection of three Saint novellas. A transitional slightly Americanised version of Simon Templar which for me works less well than the earlier and later versions. But the stories are excellent.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2023/05/the-saint-goes-west.html
#crimenovel #crimenovels #crimefiction #vintagecrime #vintagethriller #vintagethrillers #vintagemystery #vintagemysteries #LeslieCharteris #thesaint #SimonTemplar
#crimenovel #crimenovels #crimefiction #vintagecrime #vintagethriller #vintagethrillers #vintagemystery #vintagemysteries #lesliecharteris #thesaint #simontemplar
W.R. Burnett's High Sierra, a great noir novel by a great writer. A bank robber just out of jail gets mixed up in a heist with a bunch of amateurs and a girl. He used to be a big shot. Now he's tired and fatalistic. The book packs a real punch.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2023/05/wr-burnetts-high-sierra.html
#crimenovels #crimenovel #crimefiction #noir #noirfiction #hardboiled #hardboiledfiction #WRBurnett
#crimenovels #crimenovel #crimefiction #noir #noirfiction #hardboiled #hardboiledfiction #wrburnett
Asking Louise Penny fans about a scene that just doesn't work for me. In The Cruelest Month Brebeuf shows up at the Hadley house toward the end of the book--WHY? It's never explained, at least I didn't catch it. Would love to hear theories. #LouisePenny #Gamache #mysteries #crimenovels @bookstodon
#louisepenny #gamache #mysteries #crimenovels
in the last few days I have devoured these two books by Ann Cleeves. I really enjoyed them – not only because of the honorable mention of libraries in the acknowledgements. :) #tworivers #crimenovels #england #2023
#tworivers #crimenovels #england
I am finishing up the last Chester Himes novel the local library has. I think that makes 6? I've read. I'll probably do a comprehensive blog post on how I fell into them, why I've stayed.
#DetectiveNovels #crimenovels #books #bookstodon
A Night Full of Murder coming up this month at the Edinburgh Bookshop! Join James Oswald, Gordon J. Brown and Stuart Johnstone on Thursday 9th March at 7pm, details on our website and here - https://mailchi.mp/fce2b694ce58/events-with-wee-three-indies-5390068
#CrimeFiction #CrimeNovels #CrimeWriters #writers ~books #livres #Edinburgh #Bruntsfield #GordonJBrown #MorganCry #JamesOswald #booklaunch #bookstodon
#crimefiction #crimenovels #crimewriters #writers #livres #edinburgh #bruntsfield #gordonjbrown #morgancry #jamesoswald #booklaunch #bookstodon
Mike Gregory takes a look at some recent translations of post-1945 French crime novels which will delight lovers of seedy, brutal noir fiction.
#Bylines #FrenchNoir #CrimeNovels
#bylines #frenchnoir #crimenovels
I am now 120 pages in and am enjoying the book very much. But I am sad about [spoiler] and worried about how [spoiler].
#EllyGriffiths #drruthgalloway #crimenovels #thelastremains
I was lucky enough to attend one of the book launch events for Elly Griffiths crime novel The Last remains. She said it was the 15th book about the Norfolk archeologist Dr Ruth Galloway and it would be the last.
I really enjoy the books of Elly Griffiths. The plots are interesting and usually well worked through. But I’m sad, I will never read about Ruth, Nelson, Cathbad, and other characters again
#EllyGriffiths #drruthgalloway #crimenovels #thelastremains