I just watched #CrimesOfTheFuture. I expected something like the other Cronenberg/Mortensen films (A History of Violence, Eastern Promises). But it is something completely else that I need to process for a while. It's a kind of medical horror that feels surreal but, on the other hand, has similarities to today's "medical world."
A very good film, though also very weird. #film #movies
#crimesofthefuture #film #movies
#Crimesofthefuture war übrigens gar nicht mal ganz so gut. #Prime
Von einem "BodyHorror-Schocker" hatte ich mir deutlich mehr erwartet. 😇
I haven’t watch #CrimesOfTheFuture yet, but reading this makes me want to today 😭🥰https://www.vulture.com/2022/06/what-is-david-cronenbergs-crimes-of-the-future-about.html #Cronenberg #Movies #Horror
#crimesofthefuture #cronenberg #movies #horror
I just watched Crimes of the Future (2022) https://trakt.tv/movies/crimes-of-the-future-2022 #CrimesOfTheFuture #trakt
From the wholesome to the confronting to the damn-near life-changing, here are my picks for the Top 20 #Best #Films of 2022.
Full list at Mahan's Media: https://betwixtstarproductions.blogspot.com/2023/01/top-20-best-films-of-2022.html #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinemastodon #list #AvatarTheWayOfWater #BansheesOfInisherin #TheBatman #Belle #Benedetta #Bros #ChaChaRealSmooth #CrimesOfTheFuture #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #TheFabelmans #GlassOnion #MadGod #MatildaTheMusical #MoonageDaydream #Nope #TheNorthman #RRR #Smile #ThreeThousandYearsOfLonging #X
#best #films #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinemastodon #list #avatarthewayofwater #bansheesofinisherin #thebatman #belle #benedetta #bros #chacharealsmooth #crimesofthefuture #everythingeverywhereallatonce #thefabelmans #glassonion #madgod #matildathemusical #moonagedaydream #nope #thenorthman #rrr #smile #threethousandyearsoflonging #x
I'm a nerdy mom who loves SFF, horror, and mystery movies, books, and tv shows.
My top 5 movies of 2022 were (in alphabetical order):
My reading was low this year but I did enjoy catching up with #Beastars manga and #LoreOlympus
My fave shows this year were
#Andor (shocked about this one)
I also love to write about the things I love. <3
#introduction #crimesofthefuture #decisiontoleave #eeaao #resurrection #rrr #beastars #loreolympus #peacemaker #andor #OurFlagMeansDeath #twittermigration
My Top Ten Horror Films of 2022 (in alphabetical order, using non-festival release dates):
• All Jacked Up and Full of Worms
• Crimes of the Future
• Deadstream
• Halloween Ends
• Men
• Pearl
• The Sadness
• Terrifier 2
• V/H/S/99
• A Wounded Fawn
#topten #top10 #horrorfilms #horrormovies #2022 #horror #alljackedupandfullofworms #crimesofthefuture #deadstream #halloweenends #men #pearl #thesadness #terrifier2 #vhs99 #awoundedfawn
#topten #top10 #horrorfilms #horrormovies #horror #alljackedupandfullofworms #crimesofthefuture #deadstream #halloweenends #men #pearl #thesadness #terrifier2 #vhs99 #awoundedfawn
@MevsMatze @horroryear Yes, somehow got lost in the wrong thread. I was referring to the thread on #CrimesOfTheFuture.
There are only two types of Carpenter-movies: Kurt Russell type Carpenter-Films and Viggo Mortensen type Carpenter-Films That's it.
I honestly wish #CrimesOfTheFuture would have been the former, not the latter.
#crimesofthefuture #kurtrussell #viggomortensen #film
No le crean a la crítica. Crimes of the future es la raja. #crimesofthefuture
Maybe it's just me. But... Crimes of the Future is the funniest movie Cronenberg ever made. The special chair for eating, the assassin girls, the ninja outfit. All a bit silly. But entertaining. #davidcronenberg #crimesofthefuture
#crimesofthefuture #davidcronenberg
Denise Capezza, baby of the future | Rolling Stone Italia #BangBangBaby #CrimesoftheFuture #2giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucm9sbGluZ3N0b25lLml0L2NpbmVtYS9pbnRlcnZpc3RlLWNpbmVtYS9kZW5pc2UtY2FwZXp6YS1iYWJ5LW9mLXRoZS1mdXR1cmUvNjQyNjk4Lw==
#2giugno #crimesofthefuture #bangbangbaby
Pedro Almodóvar paragonato a Trump da Viggo Mortensen: cosa è successo? - NoSpoiler #Tuttosumiamadre #DavidCronenberg #ViggoMortensen #CrimesoftheFuture #Rosetta #31maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9ub3Nwb2lsZXIuaXQvcG9zdHMvdmlnZ28tbW9ydGVuc2VuLXBhcmFnb25hLXBlZHJvLWFsbW9kb3Zhci1hLWRvbmFsZC10cnVtcA==
#31maggio #rosetta #crimesofthefuture #viggomortensen #DavidCronenberg #Tuttosumiamadre
Cannes 2022, il toto Palma: l`Italia spera in un premio a Favino - NoSpoiler #FestivaldiCannes2022 #Cannes #Decisiontoleave #HolySpider #PierfrancescoFavino #Leottomontagne #CrimesoftheFuture #29maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9ub3Nwb2lsZXIuaXQvcG9zdHMvY2FubmVzLTIwMjItY2hpLXZpbmNlcmEtaWwtdG90by1wYWxtYQ==
#29maggio #crimesofthefuture #LeOttoMontagne #PierFrancescoFavino #HolySpider #decisiontoleave #cannes #FestivaldiCannes2022
‘Crimes of the Future’ di David Cronenberg è davvero lo scandalo di Cannes 2022? | Rolling Stone Italia #Cannes2022 #CrimesoftheFuture #24maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucm9sbGluZ3N0b25lLml0L29waW5pb25pL29waW5pb25pLWNpbmVtYS9jcmltZXMtb2YtdGhlLWZ1dHVyZS1kaS1kYXZpZC1jcm9uZW5iZXJnLWUtZGF2dmVyby1sby1zY2FuZGFsby1kaS1jYW5uZXMtMjAyMi82NDEwNzQv
#24maggio #crimesofthefuture #Cannes2022
I 10 titoli più attesi di Cannes 2022 | Rolling Stone Italia #Eurovision @EurovisionRai #Cannes2022 #CrimesoftheFuture #elvis #Esternonotte #FestivaldiCannes #Leottomontagne #Nostalgia #TopgunMaverick #16maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucm9sbGluZ3N0b25lLml0L2NpbmVtYS9pLTEwLXRpdG9saS1waXUtYXR0ZXNpLWRpLWNhbm5lcy0yMDIyLzYzODY1Ny8=
#16maggio #TopGunMaverick #nostalgia #LeOttoMontagne #FestivaldiCannes #esternonotte #elvis #crimesofthefuture #Cannes2022 #eurovision
David Cronenberg: `Kristen Stewart è fenomenale. Me la presentò Pattinson` #crimesofthefuture #cronenbergstewart #DavidCronenberg #KristenStewart #RobertPattinson #16maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2lha2NsdWIuaXQvMjAyMi8wNS8xNi9kYXZpZC1jcm9uZW5iZXJnLWtyaXN0ZW4tc3Rld2FydC1mZW5vbWVuYWxlLXBhdHRpbnNvbi8/dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1yc3MmdXRtX21lZGl1bT1yc3MmdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPWRhdmlkLWNyb25lbmJlcmcta3Jpc3Rlbi1zdGV3YXJ0LWZlbm9tZW5hbGUtcGF0dGluc29u
#16maggio #robertpattinson #KristenStewart #DavidCronenberg #cronenbergstewart #crimesofthefuture