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🎮 #OpenWorldSandboxLover #CasualGamer #TheSims3 #Minecraft #NoMansSky #StardewValley #TheWitcher3
🎶 #TaylorSwift
đź“ş #CrimeTV #Elementary
đź“š #OneNote
#onenote #elementary #crimetv #taylorswift #thewitcher3 #stardewvalley #nomanssky #minecraft #thesims3 #casualgamer #openworldsandboxlover
Belatedly watching another relatively recent #MidsomerMurders, and this one feels like a reunion of #JonathanCreek people. And then there’s the outfit Fleur is wearing, which just made me guffaw out loud. Though that might be unintentional. #BritishTV #TV #CrimeTV #DontLookNow
#dontlooknow #crimetv #tv #britishtv #jonathancreek #midsomermurders
Finally starting to watch #CSIVegas, the new version. Our Sky box recorded series 1 and is now well through recording series 2. But belatedly getting to it from the start! We used to love watching original #CSI. The new team is intriguing plus of course there are old faces back. I think the only thing we’ve seen the new British CSI person in is the most recent #RedDwarf, as a cat person, but yup, intrigued. #TV #Television #CrimeTV
#crimetv #television #tv #reddwarf #csi #csivegas
The FBI, season 1 (1965). This enjoyable.Quinn Martin TV series is sometimes serious, sometimes dark, at other times light-hearted and even whimsical. The scripts are however clever and well-constructed.
Structurally it's very much a police procedural.
You just have to accept the idea of the FBI as the good guys. Which is admittedly a bit of a stretch.
My review: https://cult-tv-lounge.blogspot.com/2018/12/the-fbi-season-one-part-one-1965.html
#culttv #retrotv #60stv #1960stv #vintagetv #EfremZimbalistJr #crimetv #spies #QuinnMartin #1960s
#culttv #retrotv #60stv #1960stv #vintagetv #efremzimbalistjr #crimetv #spies #quinnmartin #1960s
Just finished season 1 of #HappyValley on #BBCiPlayer. Superb stuff. I can see why it won so many nominations and awards. #UK #BritishTV #CrimeTV
#happyvalley #bbciplayer #uk #britishtv #crimetv
Continuing our retro Christmas TV viewing with the Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes version of “The Blue Carbuncle”. Haven’t seen this in a very long time.
#ChristmasTV #80sTV #SherlockHolmes #JeremyBrett #CrimeFiction #CrimeDrama #CrimeTV
#crimetv #crimedrama #crimefiction #jeremybrett #sherlockholmes #80sTV #christmastv
10 Television Shows to know me by:
1.The Quatermass Experiment / Quatermass II / Quatermass and the Pit (1953-59)
2.Dark Shadows (1966-71)
3.The Invaders (1967-68)
4.A Ghost Story for Christmas (1968, 71-present)
5.Night Gallery (1970-73)
6.Children of the Stones (1977)
7.Hammer House of Horror (1980)
8.Miss Marple (1984-92)
9.Sherlock Holmes (1984-94)
10.Twin Peaks (1990-91, 2017)
#TV #Television #TVShows #TVToKnowMeBy #CultTV #HorrorTV #SciFiTV #CrimeTV
#tv #television #tvshows #tvtoknowmeby #culttv #horrortv #scifitv #crimetv
I can’t be the only fan of The Brokenwood Mysteries who is secretly hoping that Detective Mike Shepherd and Pathologist Gina Kadinsky fall into a relationship. #brokenwood #thebrokenwoodmysteries #crimetv #amwatching
#Brokenwood #thebrokenwoodmysteries #crimetv #AmWatching