KWL – 316 – True Crime Writing with Kerrie Droban #non-fictionwriting #truecrimewriting #KoboWritingLife #writingadvice #bookresearch #crimewriting #non-fiction #writingtips #KWLPodcast #nonfiction #publishing #research #writing #Kobo #tips #KWL
#non #truecrimewriting #kobowritinglife #writingadvice #BookResearch #crimewriting #writingtips #kwlpodcast #nonfiction #publishing #research #writing #kobo #tips #KWL
Ever wanted to write a thriller? The Alderney Literary Trust is offering a unique opportunity to would-be writers - a workshop with bestselling author Kate Rhodes on Saturday 10 June.
#WritingWorkshop #CrimeWriting
Check it out here
#WritingWorkshop #crimewriting
Do you love reading crime thrillers? Have you ever wanted to write crime thrillers? Come and find out how it’s done to perfection with best-selling authors Jane Casey, Kate Rhodes and Elly Griffiths. Tickets for this thrilling event will be on sale from today. Go to the Alderney Literary Trust website to find out more:
#CrimeWriting #KateRhodes #EllyGriffiths #JaneCasey
#crimewriting #katerhodes #EllyGriffiths #janecasey
After a rough week at work, I took a mental health half-day to read “Mischief” by Charlotte Armstrong (1950). It is just bananas, a compressed narrative thrill ride of claustrophobia and mania with acute psychological and sociological commentary. Yet it’s deeply funny too. Makes for a singular vision of mid-century family anxiety. Part of the Library of America’s Women Crime Writers collection.
#noir #crimewriting #bookstodon
"We probably don't go around thinking of Agatha Christie as leaving a 'residue of horror' except that is one of its pleasures, isn't it? These people live in a world even more dangerous than our own--piles of strychnine, whole truckloads of it, just lying about, waiting for you to slight the wrong person and wind up dead."
Mittens has a great comment about crime fiction, crime writing, and crime writers in the Agatha Christie thread.
#AgathaChristie #crime #fiction #writers #writing #authors #CrimeFiction #CrimeWriting #fiction #mysteries
#agathachristie #crime #fiction #writers #writing #authors #crimefiction #crimewriting #mysteries
If you are interested in crime writing and want an intimate, passionate conference, I recommend Left Coast Crime, where this year we'll be celebrating Dru Love's contributions to the genre. #crimeWriting #bookstadon
WHAT? Library of America has a boxed set of Women Crime Writers from the '40s and '50s?
'Course, I may have to pull a heist to afford it.
#libraryofamerica #crimewriting #bookstodon
If you're a Scottish crime fiction fan -- what are some of your favourite books? And if you reply #IanRankin #DeniseMina or #ValMcdermid , you gotta name the novel.
#crimewriting #books #reading #readingcommunity #crimefiction #mystery #novel #scotland #canada
#ianrankin #denisemina #valmcdermid #crimewriting #books #reading #readingcommunity #crimefiction #mystery #novel #scotland #canada
Maybe I'll regret it, but I'm writing a crime novel set in a real Canadian city that most people won't know of.
Most Canadian crime writers fictionalize a setting, usually mixing multiple places together to create a blank slate to work from. That's how you get Three Pines, and other eerie forest places.
We're told it's to appeal to US readers. But, I'm kicking that advice to the gutter.
#crimewriting #mystery #writing #writingcommunity #screenwriting #novel #crimewriter
#crimewriting #mystery #writing #writingcommunity #screenwriting #novel #crimewriter
What I'm learning with crime fiction is that character and setting are deeply linked. It's really evident with the antagonist -- what motivates their criminality? what societal elements lead to their crimes?
Of course, you can throw in any old crime in a novel. But I think that added layer of relevance, of why a crime is happening here and now, speaks more to the reader.
#crimewriting #mystery #writing #writingcommunity #screenwriting #novel #crimewriter
#crimewriting #mystery #writing #writingcommunity #screenwriting #novel #crimewriter
About to start putting together my November newsletter. Sign up on the link below for a chance to win an audio copy of the best-selling Death and Croissants.
#books #giveaway #free #audiobook #folletvalley
#authorlife #crimewriting #humour
#humour #crimewriting #authorlife #folletvalley #audiobook #free #giveaway #books
#introductions Hoping to gather the fleeing birdies to me. I did this because I don’t want to lose you!
#writing #reading #amwriting #AuthorsOfTwitter #historicalfiction #ruralnoir #crimewriting #books #nonfiction
#introductions #writing #reading #amwriting #AuthorsOfTwitter #historicalfiction #ruralnoir #crimewriting #books #nonfiction