Yay! 🥳
I could get #crimpy to build again!
Which means that now on #Debian / #KaisenLinux I can pick up developing my desktop program again.
There is still some circular dependency to resolve and gettext to re-initialise but I'm positive.
Perhaps I can look into different UI kits again (#Tkinter, #GTK4 and #PySide6 resp. #Qt).
I'm excited! 🕺
#qt #pyside6 #gtk4 #tkinter #KaisenLinux #debian #crimpy
Now I got some time. Let me introduce an idea I carry around for quite some time.
Like @alcinnz I want to talk it through before I tackle the implementation (again).
It's called #crimpy. I looked for something with #CRM (normally Customer Relationship Management). In my case it stands for the things I want it to handle:
- Calendar
- Relationships
- Messenges
But with a twist!