SpennyH · @SpennyH
56 followers · 86 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

Andy Johnson from the band Crimson Bloom posted earlier about the best of vinyl he has up for sale on his BC page. I'm lucky enough to own a copy & it's a superb sounding slice of vinyl. So if you like your music, baggy infused indie pop then it's well worth checking it out !!
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#music #newmusic #crimsonbloom

Last updated 2 years ago

OldIndieKid · @OldIndieKid
37 followers · 12 posts · Server newmusic.social
Andy Johnson · @itmustbeandy
16 followers · 10 posts · Server home.social

I was in a band called for a few years. , influenced with a bit of a political edge here and there. We were ignored by all but a tiny handful (mostly on the bird site) and we called it a day shortly after a post-covid gig. Anyway I, somewhat foolishly, thought there might be just about enough people interested in a ltd compilation, including some none album tracks, on . There are some left at crimsonbloom.bandcamp.com/merch if you fancy a copy. It’s πŸ™Œ

#crimsonbloom #jangly #baggy #indiepop #vinyl

Last updated 2 years ago