"Unfriendly #reminder that if you #gatekeep who's allowed to call themselves a #cripple and #claim #mental #illness "doesn't count" you're falling for the #mind/ #body dualism pit trap and you're being #sanist.
The #brain is an organ, not a figment of #imagination.
(I am both #physically and #mentally #disabled. #Argue w the wall.)"
#reminder #gatekeep #cripple #claim #mental #illness #mind #body #sanist #brain #imagination #physically #mentally #disabled #argue
i've been so intensely depressed lately and i really have no idea what to do about it.
it's hard because everything that's supposed to make you feel better--going outside, exercise, walking, taking a bath, reading a book, reaching out, being with friends--is physically impossible for me because of my neurological disability/damage.
i can't move my head and i'm never 100% migraine symptom free, not even for an hour.
i want to put in the work to feel better, but there's nothing i can even start.
it's hard to not futility spiral when im in a place where i'm willing to do anything necessary to be okay again, but nothing i can do is accessible.
it's like coping skills are on the second floor but there's no elevator. if i could get there, i'd use any of them, and i'd feel better--but i'm stuck downstairs, so it doesn't matter.
#CripplePunk #Cripple #NeurologicalDisability #Migraine #SpinalCordInjury #SCI
#cripplepunk #cripple #neurologicaldisability #migraine #spinalcordinjury #sci
I suffer from a mild disability that affects my mobility.
So when I see people doing their best to improve access for people with mobility issues, I really appreciate it.
I DON'T need people to become my #ShiteInWhiningArmor - I don't need you to come galloping in on your #HighHorse everytime you decide that somebody has hurt my feelings, for example by using a word like #cripple. It's insulting.
I would imagine that people from other #minorities or #marginalized groups feel likewise.
#marginalized #minorities #cripple #highhorse #shiteinwhiningarmor
wait i never made my #intro did i. oops!
hi, i'm crow! my pronouns are fey/feyr, it/its, 🦷/🦷s, and &/&s. i'm probably ~19 and my birthday is 10/29 (body is 17). you can call me whatever the word for "crow" is in the language you speak (ie cuervo, ijo waso pimeja, koraki)!
my tribe is the charrúa people, though i'm also distantly descended from the inca (& the saintess of Latine Indians/Natives, which is pretty cool). right now, i live in the DC Metro Area on turtle island :)
my main shtick is that i'm #borderline, #schizotypal, #plural, #autistic, and a #cripple. i'm also a #transfemasc #transsexual butch #dyke and i like to chew on xenogenders!
i have #polyfragmented BPD, hence the display name crow&, but prefer to be referred to as singular. i sometimes call the collection of crows 'the murder,' because it's a good pun.
i'm also sleepy. oh wait i also have a brain/spine injury so i forget a lot of shit and have migraines constantly, so, sorry, and if you dont CW eyestrain & screenreader hostile things properly i'll bite you
ask me about my special interests i will talk about them a normal amount :3
#intro #borderline #schizotypal #plural #autistic #cripple #transfemasc #transsexual #dyke #polyfragmented
Well I'm here to play in #cybersecurity and #business and stuff, but also testing out whether this platform can be fun or more #social than #professional or a healthy blend.
#About me:
10 years in tech/cyber. #CISSP certified with deep academic focus on cyber.
#cripple with #osteogenesis imperfecta type 1.
I'm a #leftist not a #liberal and engage in #political discourse when my #mentalhealth can handle it.
I have #kids #dogs and #cats and occasionally I like to do things like go #metaldetecting and #exploring the outdoors when I feel up to the activity.
#introduction #cybersecurity #business #social #professional #about #cissp #cripple #osteogenesis #leftist #liberal #political #mentalhealth #kids #dogs #cats #metaldetecting #exploring
painting process:
#draw #drawing #paint #painting #digitalart #art #artwork #artprocess #timelapse #speedpaint #photoshop #war #ukraine #russia #nowar #amputee #landmine #mine #cripple #scars #battlescars #attrition #death #destruction #soldier #россия #война #Украина #россия #Русскиймир
#draw #drawing #paint #painting #digitalart #art #artwork #artprocess #timelapse #speedpaint #photoshop #war #ukraine #russia #nowar #amputee #landmine #mine #cripple #scars #battlescars #attrition #death #destruction #soldier #россия #война #украина #Русскиймир
painting process:
#draw #drawing #paint #painting #digital #digitalart #art #artwork #artprocess #timelapse #speedpaint #ukraine #war #prisoner #pow #gore #torture #pain #cripple #surrender #resignation #tendons #openwound #flesh #disfiguration
#draw #drawing #paint #painting #digital #digitalart #art #artwork #artprocess #timelapse #speedpaint #ukraine #war #prisoner #pow #gore #torture #pain #cripple #surrender #resignation #tendons #openwound #flesh #disfiguration
This is not me saying "it's better that things are hard/difficult/inaccessible" but that these frictions, dis/eases, dis/abilities which produce friction have their own plays. their own "games" and "agendas".
When I (badly) tried to bring this up in terms of bugs yesterday, someone mentioned restriction, and as a #cripple (look up the etymology) that is literally what I am; the bentness, the crookedness is due to restriction of certain things and "abnormal" activity of others. [3/?]
One of the interesting things I deal with a lot as #cripple is #failure. Sometimes my body fails me, I #fail to grip something, or one of my spasms makes me spill stuff.
One of the things that really altered my perception massively is that #failure is actually SUBVERSIVE.
It's not a matter of #fail fast and iterate better or anything like that. Rather, it's "What is unexpectedly GENERATED by this failure."