@BlinkWithAKink @Mayana @reina in the UK now, many private rentals don't come with a cooker or washing machine. Ours didn't, which suited us. But if moving a lot cos constant rent rises, then adds to moving costs and complexity.
A big UK charity found even after social security, the average extra disability cost is £1200 a month. #CripTax
Hab bei meiner KK die Kostenübernahme für einen Trachealkanülenmanagement-Kurs beantragt, damit ich mein Team behaltenkann, wenn ich mich Ende des Jahres operieren lasse.
Gerade kam die Zusage, dass 70% der Kosten übernommen werden.
30% obliegen mir also privat. Wenn das fürs #arbeitgebermodell im SGB 5 Usus werden sollte, entsteht für ganz viele, einiges an #CripTax.
Da ab November neue Qualifikationsanforderungen für die #AKI angewendet werden, die WBs erfordern, wird das spannend.
#aki #criptax #arbeitgebermodell #NoIPReG
I don’t know what the opposite of #CripTax is, but I’m pretty sure I just had a vehicle service fee waived for being in my knee brace.
Not even mad 🤣 Went and spent some of the money I saved at the plant store.
I'm surprised it finally passed.
One of the nice things about no self-serve in Oregon was that everyone paid the same price. There wasn't an extra "crip tax" on disabled folks who can't do self-serve (can't pump their own gas).
I wonder how long it will take for the prices to go up?
#oregon #USpol #orpol #criptax
All this dropping of universal masking in healthcare makes me want to cry. Now I have to waste time I don't have (hi #cripTax) to fight for it. Going to try following the @PeoplesCDC guideline, but like, I DON"T HAVE TIME FOR THIS
Public universities are playing a shell game and media keeps falling for it. WHY aren't public universities highest common denominator accessible BY DEFAULT? It should be funded out of general fund already!
#AcademicAbleism #CripTax #HigherEducation #DisabilityLaw #Disability
#academicableism #criptax #highereducation #disabilitylaw #disability
Update: following private messages, the unspoken and unifying role of fear amongst disabled employees follows in an addendum at the end of the article, alongside discussion of the term #Crip, as in #CripWashing, #CripTheVote + #CripTax. and the potential role of #industry type
#Disability #DisabilityInclusionCouncil #DisabilityInclusion #Inclusion
#crip #cripwashing #cripthevote #criptax #industry #disability #disabilityinclusioncouncil #disabilityinclusion #inclusion
Disabled folks face #criptax quite a bit, but a less obvious one is interviewing, especially in tech with long and complicated interviewing rituals.
I need some pretty basic and straightforward accommodations, but some companies drag out the process, asking me to prove my #disability or engage in the interactive process and try things I already know don't work. I don't expect everything to be perfect when I show up, but the amount of red tape needed to even get in the door is frustrating.
Auch eine Art #Criptax, oder? Theoretisch wären sie bei Mehrfachnutzung nämlich wesentlich günstiger als entsprechende FFP2... Ahahaha. ._.