C'est ce samedi à Paris (malheureusement à Paris…) et l'intervention de la pote Harriet de Gouge promet de bons uppercuts de pertinence & justesse. Nous en discutions hier autour d'une pizza sous un arbre, je ne peux que vous recommander d'aller écouter cela publiquement !
Une retransmission ultérieurement devrait être disponible.
#handicap #DisabilityJustice #validisme #criptime #disabilitylife
Yeeeaaahh on veut des médecins handi-es !
Je vous assure les valides qu'être handi-e et passer toute sa vie à ne se faire soigner que par des soignant-es valides, c'est quand même fondamentalement absurde. En tout cas tant que la médecine reste ancrée à du #validisme (entre autres).
#disability #disabled #handi #DisabilityLife #DisabilityJustice #FightAbleism #Accessibilité #CripTime #MedTodon
#validisme #disability #disabled #handi #disabilitylife #DisabilityJustice #FightAbleism #accessibilite #criptime #medtodon
"Nos existences handies", actuellement en rupture de stock, va être réédité en 2024 ! Sous une nouvelle maison d'édition, Monstrograph ayant fermé boutique pour d'autres projets heureux.
En attendant il est toujours possible ici d'écouter gratos toute la version audio du livre (travaillée par @ChiaraChiarel) 👉 https://www.monstrograph.com/product/nos-existences-handies/.
#disability #disabled #DisabilityLife #DisabilityJustice #validisme #FightAbleism #Accessibilité #CripLit #DisabledAuthors #DisabledWriters #CripTime
#disability #disabled #disabilitylife #DisabilityJustice #validisme #FightAbleism #accessibilite #criplit #DisabledAuthors #disabledwriters #criptime
Living in #CripTime again.
I have a hospital appointment but am not sure if the doctor still works there. I might have needed to call before to make sure but didn't.
Rather wanted to meet a friend. Then got scared that I should speak to doctor. So now I am not meeting my friend and not sure if the doctor will even be there. Why do I mess things up?
Waiting again.
When the most interesting thing happening is the clock turning, you can play the game of guessing which numbers will be touched
Living in #CripTime #PublicDiary
Spending my time waiting at the hospital again
I could do stuff instead
Healthy people do stuff, create, write
While disabled people wait
living in #CripTime
my operation got delayed again.
I am okay with it cos I want to get good care.
But having to tell everybody that I told the first date and having to answer questions about why it was delayed (I dont know) and how this is stressfull (I know...) feels like another job.
Also having to juggle to get help for a date that I dont know for sure is much more work than it should be.
Living in #CripTime today.
Got my operation moved from friday to thursday, so trying to speed up everything, but now its rescheduled to next week, so now I have to tell everybody that I wont be sick for another week.
Ah the beauty of being able to plan your life...
@drjacannon @academicchatter I agree with working ahead but, at the same time, it doesn't address the obscene and #Ableist workloads in academia, which effectively disadvantage and punish academics with disabilities and chronic illnesses. I'm part of an Australian collaboration of sociologists who have written articles on this very topic. #CripTime
For all of my adult life, I’ve struggles to describe what it’s like as a disabled person. But writing this substack has helped me work through how to communicate and write about my disability.
My most recent newsletter discusses what it’s like to experience #CripTime as a disabled person.
“Unstuck in (Crip) Time”
RT @SchoeneAndrea@twitter.com
Ein wichtiger Begriff, den ich vorher so nicht kannte, aber das Phänomen als Mensch mit #Behinderung sehr gut selbst kenne, nämlich #CripTime. Hier gibt es meinen Lexikoneintrag für @DiversityAC@twitter.com dazu: https://diversity-arts-culture.berlin/woerterbuch/crip-time
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SchoeneAndrea/status/1587747958765899776